Chapter 40

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Y/n's new routine was working great so far. She hasn't had any emotional outbursts and no huge reactions from her abilities, but I couldn't help but feel guilty. Every time I saw her it was like she had no emotion on her face. The whole team hasn't forgiven me or spoken to me since this started and Maximoff had only been here a few times in the past few months. Thing's had to change.

I walked into the training room she was staying in and saw Barnes awake by her side. "How much sleep do you get since she's been here? On average?" I asked.

"Get the hell out of here Tony, it's not seven yet." He sternly responded.

"I'm not here for that," I replied. "How much?"

He paused for a moment, clearly hesitant to answer. "An hour at most." He sighed.

I tossed him a container which he immediately caught. "What, scared of me now too? Gonna give me a sedative to shut me up?" He asked looking at the container.

"Relax Barnes," I reassured him. "It's some melatonin. Just a small dose. It should help you go to bed at night. I've got some for her too. I'm spoiling her though, hers are strawberry flavored gummies."

"Why? She's got a sedative." He questioned.

"Starting today no she doesn't. And no more shots throughout the day." I explained. "You mind if I wake her up?"

"Uh -yeah sure. Go ahead." He responded surprised by what I said.

I approached y/n and knelt next to her. "Hey! Wake up!" I gently shook her awake as she groggily woke up. "Come on, I've got something to show you." She looked at me confused and got up.

I showed her to my lab. "Am I experimenting with something?" She asked quietly.

"Nope. This." I said as we approached my suit.

"It's your suit? What about it? I've seen it before." She asked.

"I think you should be proud of it. You designed the arc reactor. Without that, I wouldn't have built these suits." I explained. "Without you, Stark Industries would've died ages ago."

"I was just doing what father asked." She shrugged. "He got credit anyway."

"Not to me, he didn't." I told her. "Come on, one more thing."

She followed me to the door next to the lab. I opened the door revealing her new room. "It's not much but I'm sure I can give you some money and Romanoff would love to take you shopping." I explained. "The energy for this room is solar powered so you should be able to absorb as much of it as you'd like without taking from the whole building. I also designed it so that if you do expel that energy everything should still stay in place pretty well."

She looked around in Aw. "No more shots?" She asked and I shook my head.

"You can train with us from now on. I'm sure everyone will happily come back." I smiled. "If it's alright with you I'd like to ask for forgiveness. I shouldn't have put you on a routine like that. I should adapt to the environment around you, not the other way around."

She ran up and hugged me. "Thank you, Tony." She whispered.

I hugged her tight. "You're welcome, kid." I smiled. "My girlfriend is coming to meet you by the way. She's not here very often but I told her about you and she wanted to meet you. Is that alright? If you're not ready to meet new people that's fine."

"I'd love to Tony." She smiled.

"Perfect. I've got a few clothes for you so go get dressed then come have breakfast." I explained as I began walking out the door but quickly paused. "Almost forgot, these are for tonight. They're strawberry flavored."

I walked out to the kitchen, satisfied after seeing the smile on her face, then got hit with quick reality as I remembered I hadn't told anyone I changed the routine. Romanoff glared me down from the opposite side of the table, which she now spent every morning doing so. "Stark." She hissed.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my wallet. I slapped my card down and she stared at it in disgust. "Is this some sort of bribe?" She asked.

"Take her shopping today. She'll need some new clothes, maybe a few things for her room." I explained. "I would prefer that you bring a few people with you guys. Just to be safe."

"The hell are you talking about Stark?" She questioned.

"I want you and Steve to take her shopping today. I showed her the new room this morning, she should be in here any minute. Pepper will be by for dinner. You can take whichever car you want as long as she comes back safe." I explained. "See if you can contact Maximoff while you're at it I think she'd like it."

Y/n joined us in the t-shirt and jeans I left. "Does it fit well?"

"It's great Tony, thank you." She smiled as I handed her some waffles.

"So we're shopping today?" Natasha asked her.

"I suppose so." Y/n shrugged.

"Perfect. I'll get Steve and we'll pick Wanda up on the way there." She smiled then left

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