Chapter 13

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I gathered up some gear and left early in the morning to meet up with the guys. I needed to do this. I was made to do this. It's a waste of my strength and my knowledge not to complete this mission.

"Thank you for this, Y/n. Really it means a lot." Steve thanked me as he shook my hand.

"Gotta do the right thing." I smiled. "So we gotta make our way up there huh?"

"Yup, would've taken a helicopter but Stark thought it'd be too obvious."

I rolled my eyes as we began stomping up the cold mountain. I need to do this. Not only for Steve but for myself. I can complete this mission successfully I just need to prove that to my father. Hopefully, after the mission, he'll close that 'project prodigy' and can stop experimenting on me. I'm already a success as an experiment, I just want to be a success as a daughter.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Bucky asked, worriedly. "I mean I know you have your training but even still, you could get hurt. As Stark said, this is a suicide mission if unprepared."

"Stark always rants about not being prepared no matter how prepared you are." I huffed, annoyed. "Besides training is one thing but having the original super serum in your bloodstream is another. I'll be fine."

"Super serum? Like Steve's serum?" Bucky asked shocked. "How'd you even get that?"

"Not Steve's serum, the first of it. No testing or tweaking to get it right. Stark had to test on someone and I was the most readily available person." I explained. "Making me the original super-soldier."

"Never thought to tell me?" Bucky asked jokingly, in a huff.

"Not allowed to. That'd be spilling top-secret government information. My whole existence is top secret." Bucky looks in shock again. "You want my life story you can have it. I figured now is a better time than any."

I paused. "I don't work for Stark." Bucky looked at me confused. "I'm his daughter. He gave me the serum when I was a child. I've been training and studying ever since, basically locked up my whole life."

"I'm so sorry." Bucky sympathetically told me.

"Don't be. It's been my whole life. I'm used to how my dad is." I reassured.

We made our way up the mountain. We reached our destination above the tracks and saw the train coming in the distance. "Guys we've got a 10-second window tops. We gotta make that window to get the train or we're dead." I explained.

"Y/n your father knows you're here right?" Steve asked.

"Of course he doesn't. You think he'd let me risk his toughest experiment." I scoffed.

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