Chapter 29

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Bucky, he's alive. After all these years he's been alive, and prodigy, that had to be Y/n. I knew I recognized her at Starks party a while ago. How did they end up this way?

I sat by Nat "I need to rescue them." I told her.

"Steve I get that this guy is your friend but that's dangerous, he even has a team of killers." She argued.

"No, just one, and she's not a killer." I responded and she raised an eyebrow at me. "That girl with him, she's the girl from the party. My friend from the '40s she used to be called prodigy, but her name was Y/n."

"What?" She exclaimed. "Like Y/n that works for Hydra? That prodigy? You knew her?"

"Yes, why? Did you?" I asked.

"She trained me when I was in the red room. She showed me compassion when I needed it most." She sighed. "When she stopped training us I thought they'd killed her off."

"I thought she died when they both fell from the train." I sighed. "I guess she's stronger than we thought."

"Well, what are you waiting for. Let go get them." She said as we both stood up.

After months of trying to find where they might be, it felt like it was getting harder and harder to find them. Until, on a mission, Bucky was there for me. He was very certain I was his mission.

This time he seemed more broken than the last. Eventually, I got through to him. He started remembering better. He was still traumatized by what they'd done to him.

We invited him back to the headquarters with us, though Tony wasn't a huge fan of him since he found out 'The Winter Soldier' killed his parents. I began to wonder if Howard ever told Tony about Y/n. I never brought it up because it's his family so that's not my place to say, but he had to have known he had a sister, right?

"Steve I can't do this anymore." Bucky quietly groaned. "We need to go back for her. She's been through hell her whole life. She's gonna be blamed for me getting out."

"Bucky we did all we could. We brought down every base we could find," I reminded him a bit harshly. "Even their research base."

"She would've come here though Steve, you don't understand!" He got frustrated.

"Buck I get it, you care about her and after all these years of both of you being brainwashed you think she cares too, but I'm sorry she's a killer now. She's not on the same team as us." I told him bluntly.

"No, she's not!" He shouted. I sat down to listen to him. "She kept both of us alive. She showed me compassion, she reminded me of my name all the time. She cares about all of us."

"Alright," I reluctantly agreed. "Let's go find her then."

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