Chapter 3; Blood Memories

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[Aidan POV]

With my hands covering my head I am trembling in a corner of the room. Again and again streams the pain through my body and tears flow over my face.

Powerless I stay in the corner of the room, half sitting, half lying. Kicks, punches, hits, until he finds it enough. Everything hurts, without moving anything I let everything go over me.

I deserve it, right? He is repeating over and over all the words that hurt even more than all the physical pain. I feel myself break and powerless falling apart, my body can't hold it no longer and I faint, half still awake, still feeling all the pain.

Covered in sweat and feeling all the pain like it is real, I wake up.

I push my hands against my head and the tears flow over my cheeks. I shout and bite my lip because of all mixed emotions. Slowly I try to catch my breath.

I hear someone stumbling in the room next to me and hear footsteps in the hallway. Did I wake my stepfather up? The door handle slowly goes down and his head appears.

'Are you alright?' He asks.

'Oh ... yes ... no ... yes, I had a nightmare.'

'Oh okay, do I have to do something for you?' His voice sounds soft and sweet.

'No, no you don't have to.' It's good that it's dark in my room and he doesn't see my tears. He gently closes the door and I hear his footsteps again in the hallway.

I grab my phone that's somewhere under my pillow and check what time it is; 4 a.m. Argh, why now? I definitely can't sleep anymore.

Sighing, I get out of bed, grab my headphones and walk to the window. After pushing it open, I sit down on the window sill. The cool night wind makes me shiver in the thin shirt I'm wearing, and my shirt sticks to my chest because of my with sweat covered skin.

I put music on and close my eyes, feeling in another world, dancing on invisible waves.

Song after song, until my whole playlist ends.

When I open my eyes and come back to the real world again, shines the light of the rising sun into my eyes.

Blinking against the sudden light I look at the rising sun.The sky slowly turns dark blue to red, yellow to light blue. Birds can be heard from all sides, singing for the rising sun, as if they are thanking for a new day.

After having sat hours in one position I feel pain in my back. I decide to leave the window, unfortunately also the beautiful view.

7 a.m.

The pointer on the clock on my almost bare wall slowly moves every second to a next line.

In one hour I have to be at work.

I walk as softly as possible to the bathroom, lock the door and look in the mirror.

Fuck. I look terrible. My eyes are red and my shirt is wrinkled, my hair is messed up.

Suddenly images of his face flash through my brain. Again and again.

Breathe in, breathe out. Slowly.

'Why don't you kill yourself?'

His laugh echoes through my body.
Trembling and hyperventilating I try to stay sane.

'Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself...'

His smile pierces through my skin.

'I'd love to see you death.'


'Keep your breath in, keep your breath!

He hits me. I try to cover my head with shaking hands.

You don't deserve this oxygen.'

Weak from holding my breath, I fall, stumbling on the ground.

His laugh, his hits, his words, my pain, my life, my breath.

I hear vague someone knocking on the door.

'You okay in there, Aidan? I heard something fall?'

I managed to get something out of my mouth like I'm okay or don't worry.

After getting my breath back, the images in my head slowly fade, I realise; his voice woke me from my panic attack.

I stand up with a sigh; I have to move on.

When I look in the mirror again I'm shocked, a bruise forms on my arm. It's not very visible right now but will be darker in a few hours.

Confused, I think about what I actually had to do before I go to work. I look around and my eye falls on the shower. Shower, yes of course.

Still a little disorganized, I walk to the cabin and push the door open.


Quote Of This Chapter:

"Birds can be heard from all sides, singing for the rising sun, as if they are thanking for a new day."


A/N Pls vote and comment

Next update on Monday :)

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