Chapter 6; Blood Smiles

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Trembling I wipe some blood off my hands to my shirt, the white fabric turns red. I can't throw it away somewhere here, that's too much evidence.

I did it again. Weight after weight now falls from my shouders.

Revenge for her, she did nothing wrong, she didn't know anything about him.

5 other people on my list, another 5, only 5.

The back door of my house is locked and I search through my pockets for the key. No, I haven't lost it, have I? Did I actually bring it? Shit, what now? My phone is inside, I don't have my key and it is fucking late, my mother is probably sleeping.

I sit down on the floor in a haze of all kinds of thoughts that go through my mind. So much happened today.

It went well so far... but whether it will always go well is the question. I probably have to go to prison for years and years, if it is not forever. I'm not going to get caught. I know that Axel is a very lonely and self-employed person, so before they find out that he is dead, a lot of time will pass.

Yet remains the anxious feeling in my stomach to be caught before I've succeeded my entire plan...

After I had a relationship with Raven I dated nobody. Heartbroken was I only for a day, he doesn't deserve anyone that thinks about him. He's a terrible traitor. The society don't need people like him.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I suddenly hear soft tapping on the window. I stand up and turn around, my eyes instantly meeting his ones.


His eyes seem to look straight through me. Nothing happens for 20 seconds. We only look at each other. Did I say how much I like his lips? I strongly feel the need to touch them, to trace those lines where the redness of his lips fade into the soft pastel color of his skin. Am I falling in love with him?

I can almost hear the beating of my heart. Can he hear it? Why am I even thinking that, he's literally behind a window...

I can feel him looking at my lips too. I feel my cheeks burning up, I'm lucky that it's dark here.

It feels like he knows what I did tonight, as if he reads my lips without me moving them. I feel guilty and try to smile. But it only makes me feel worse, as if someone has painted Raven's blood into a smile over my face, betraying everything. But that's not true, I have checked my face carefully in a car mirror.

He raises his hand and places it against the glass, as if he wants to touch me. I can't do anything else than put my hand against the glass too.

But that was only short.

Far away I hear sirens.

I know its just two or three cars, but it sounds like a million in my ears.

Suddenly coming back out of this trance, I start to panic and I can't think carefully, I try to look around me and find out where the sound comes from, but I see no flashing lights or fast driving cars. The sounds seems to come from all sides.

I turn myself around again and look at the boy behind the glass.

They come for me, it's over, the sirens ar getting closer. I bang on the glass of the door with my hands and try to sign to Aidan to open the doors. My heart beats fast and the sweat is forming on my skin. 'Open the door!' I try to whisper as hard as possible.

Aidan turns around and walks away.

Fuck him, seriously, he just fucking leaves me here? What a dick.

But to be honest he has all rights to let me stay here. I hit him in his face for nothing... my own fault.

Not knowing what to do I sit down somewhere near the door behind a bush. My hands over my ears, the sound blocking, my eyes closed, and hoping that they don't come to me. I feel my body trembling.

Suddenly someone touches my shoulder with their hand.

This is it, it's over. I should have thought this better through, I should have prepared better...

I look up, desperate.

The sirens are gone.

Behind me stands Aidan, with a key in his hand.


Quote Of This Chapter:

"It is as if someone painted his blood in a smile over my face."

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