Chapter 25; Dancing With The Death

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Drunk and confused I stumble towards the door that leads to the hall, with a kitchen knife sticking out of my pocket. Are they back? Is it someone that's coming to get me? Is it a random person? An angel? Only Aidan?

I pull the door open and immediately fall forward on the floor, at least I thought so... arms catch me, soft fabric touches my face. I know this scent, it took me three seconds to realise who the fuck this is.


My mind hears him laughing hysterically. Images flash through my brain, him laughing at my dying sister, beating me up, threatening me.

My mind doesn't stay sane and I close my fingers around his small wrist and pull him roughly inside. I immediately close the door.

'You stay here', I hiss mad.

'No, I...' he wispers.

'I'm going to cut your fucking tongue off if you say something else than sorry.' I kick him in his stomach and spit in his face. 'Fuck you, you're so fucking disgusting.'

He mumbles a few words but I can't really understand it, my mind starts to spin. I laugh, having him in my own hands now feels amazing. I try to look for a rope or something. The guy tries to open the door and run away. 'Hey, hey, no running...' I roughly pull him back and hit him in his face. He starts to scream.

I force my hands around his chin and put his face up, immediately he closes his mouth. 'Open it now', I wisper next to his ear, holding the knife for his mouth,' just like you did a few seconds ago.'

He keeps his mouth shut and his eyes too. 'You're a pussy.' I smile.

'Open your mouth or I'll cut your eyes out.'

He slowly opens his mouth, trembling, 'Please leave me alone.'

'Leave you alone? You're such a pathetic person when you don't have back up.'


I feel great even though I have a terrible headache. I am lying on aunt Dorothea's ugly couch, really I don't recommend that, it's very dusty and full of knitted cloths. I also have no idea why I fell asleep here. I only know that I have a fucking headache.

When I turn my head around my eyes meet someone else's. Shocked I move back, my mouth falls open from the sudden reveal. It took me only two seconds to register that the person I'm staring at isn't moving nor breathing.

What the fuck did I do? Who is this?

I think I really fucked up this time. My hands are stained with blood and so is the mouth of this person. I leave the couch and stand still next to it, confused. Then suddenly short parts of memories from yesterday come back into my mind.

'I'm going to hurt you, just like you did to me...' I said, while I held the boy up by his neck. 'Open your mouth.'

Scared as fuck he did what I asked. 'Good boy. You see this knife?' I asked slyly. He almost choked from my hand that was strangling him. 'Ooh, look here comes a plane', I smiled, as if I was feeding a child. I made tiny circles in the sky and his scared eyes followed the blinking metal. Done with acting so childish I pushed the knife into his mouth with force. The blood drips down his chin, and his tongue shows a beautiful cut. 'Oh no, that must have hurt, let me try again', I laughed, and stabbed him again.

Shit, I really thought it was Zane, how was I so drunk? Why does that piece of shit of an aunt have so much wine? Why exactly what I like?

This is such a terrible situation. This was what the fuck I was expecting, what was bound to happen. My heart starts to beat loud and fast. I really, really fucked up this time.

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