Chapter 12; Dark Hell

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'Aidan?' A voice echoes between the stone walls. 

Still in some kind of trance I see black spots for my eyes. My organs feel like they're on fire and my head hurts. The dark black cuts on my arm dance for my eyes. I try to be as silent as possible, but my tears don't let me.

'Are you alright?'



'Twenty minutes passed', Zephyr's voice sounds soft. You can hear he stands close to the door of the shower I'm in.

'Oh, I'm almost done.'

I stand up, confused. Washing the blood from my arm I grab the towel I took with me in the cabin.

I try to dry my skin as fast as possible. Shit, I left my clothes outside. I also need to leave the sciccors here, Zephyr is still there... I put the towel around my waist. Asking him to not look at me would be very childish. Just taking the risk I push open the door, facing him from the side. 

After looking at my body for a few seconds, taking extra time to look at my piercings and tattoo, he turns around. I hope he didn't see the fading scars on the inside of my other arm.

Quickly I put on my clothes.


'We already ate.' Zephyr's mother looks up from the newspaper she was reading. 'Why are you and Aidan so late?' she asks, turning around to Zephyr.

Is she angry?

'Oh, I needed to do something', Zephyr makes up,' and that took some time, sorry that we're so late.'

'Okay, Zephyr, but tomorrow morning it's not going like this, you get it?'

Ignoring his mom, Zephyr looks at me: 'Do you want to eat something?'

I shake my head. I'm not feeling well and I'm probably going to throw up if I eat in the morning. I sit down on the couch. Zephyr walks to the table and talks short with Dorothea, I can't quite understand what they're saying. The aunt gives him some soup and a piece of bread. Zephyr turns around and moves to sit next to me. 'Mom, are we going to do something today, going into the city for example?'

'Aunt, would you like to go into the city?' Zephyr's mom asks to the woman sitting next to her.

'Oh Lydia, I would really like to', she replies, her knitting needles ticking extra hard against each other, thinking of the idea,' Shall we go already? Lydia, can you get my coat?'

I blink by the sudden change of situation. I didn't think that Dorothea actually wanted to go.

[Zephyr POV]

I didn't think that it was this easy to persuade them to go to the city.

Caeden. He lives here, in this city. In a house with his parents and little brother. Until now I didn't kill someone that lives with other people, this is a bigger risk. I don't know exactly where he lives, the only information I could find on internet is his adress. But I don't know this city from the inside out so that's going to be some searching.

It's good to do this.

Don't ever show them mercy, Zephyr. They destroyed your life, they used you as a weapon, they killed your sister.

Revenge. The word tastes heavenly in my mouth. It felt good to kill Raven and Axel. Really good.

I feel the adrenaline rush become a part of me again. 

'Zephyr, hurry up!' My mom screams through the hall, standing in the front door.

I slowly begin to walk to her. 'Faster', she demands.

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