Chapter 31; Dead Flower

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When walking home I suddenly hear a soft voice behind me.

'You dropped something.'

I turn around to see a boy standing behind me. He is pointing to the stones on the ground, where a 50 euros lies.

'Oh, thank you for telling me', I say, a bit scared of my own deep, creepy voice. I'm still in a haze of blood, murder, screaming and all that.

'Are you okay?' He asks, putting a strand of his long blue hair behind his ear.

Long eyelashes, cute lips in a dark shade of red, and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen, I conclude after scanning his face.

'Ye...yeah, I am... just a bit dizzy', I answer him.

'Maybe you should sit down for a few minutes.' He looks up to me with his beautiful, innocently looking eyes, while inviting me with his hand to sit on the ground,' I'll keep you company.'

I just do what he says, not knowing what else to do, not being able to think straight with this boy in my presence. He sits down next to me. 'What are you doing here at 2 in the night?' I ask him curious.

'Ah, I just got back from work', he answers, looking me up and down,'you should put your gloves off, isn't that way too warm?'

'I will soon', I mumble and speak louder after,' what's your job?'

'Oh... I work at a... club. But I could ask you the same; what are you doing here so late?'

An excuse, come on Zephyr. 'I... umh, took a walk because I needed some fresh air.'

'Ah, okay.'

I love how he is just talking to strangers at 2 AM. How he is talking to me, I can easily kill him. But he doesn't know, and I want those eyes to look innocent forever.

He's so attractive.

'You into guys?' I ask right away.

I caught him a bit of guard I notice; 'Ah, I umh... yeah?'

'Alright, alright, nothing to be so uncertain about', I laugh.

'Stop laughing', he smiles,' it was just a very sudden question', he tries to defend himself,' I'm into all genders though.'

'Good to know', my laugh makes this conversation less awkward, I see him getting more comfortable. Smiling he pushes me playfully; 'Stop laughing, I'm dead serious.'

Now I'm laughing even harder, this guy is adorable as fuck. 'I'm sorry', I apologise, still laughing.

'You wanna play a game?' He suddenly asks me, his bright eyes lighting up in enthusiasm. Yeah, I can see that because we're sitting under a street lantern.

'Of course', I nod.

'Who the first at that playground is, wins.' And is he gone. I couldn't even take a look at where he was pointing at, but I guess I can just follow him.

He has long slim legs and is damn far away from me in the meantime. 'You could have waited to make it fair game!' I shout behind him.

'You shouldn't have laughed at me!' His cheerful voice reaches me.

Damn this boy got me in his grip. Panting I arrive at the spot he is waiting for me.

'You lost', he says smiling.

'So what do I do now?' I ask.

'Nothing... stay alive.'

He's such a good boy, not wanting to punish someone. How fucking cute. I'd like him to lose once and show him how it's done.

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