Chapter 10; Dark House

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When the big gold clock in the corner of the room points to the twelve, my mother says, 'I think it's time to go to sleep, we've had a long drive.'

It's not that I want to sleep at this time but I think going to sleep is better than sitting here awkwardly and listening to all the gossips that my mom and her aunt speak through. Like, did I ever wanted to know that the baker from around the corner was cheating with the wife of the butcher? No, I didn't.

'Yes Lydia, I will refer you to your room', aunt Dorothea says. We stand all up, because I don't know what else to do and Aidan clearly doesn't too. I take the bag I brought with me and walk behind them.

A few doors later we say goodbye to my mother after her aunt has explained which door in the room is going to the bathroom and which one to a walk-in closet.

These rooms are incredible, I'm curious how mine's going to look. 'Where are our rooms?' I ask unpatient when aunt Dorothea stands still to fix her hair in a mirror.

'Don't speak so loud, young man, your mother is sleeping.'

It's impossible for my mom to hear me from here... we're metres away from her room. 'Follow me', she says.

The bag starts to become heavy and I hear Aidan's breath increase.

If you ask me, we've walked through hundred halls already. Jesus, this house is huge.

Finally after walking for minutes and minutes decrease aunt's footsteps until she stands still. The lamp on the roof almost doesn't give light. 'The red door', she wispers, while pointing at a door behind us, accros the hallway. When I turn around to ask her a question, she's gone.

'What the fuck', Aidan says, while breathing heavily,' what a rude woman.'

'I agree with you.'

Do we have to share this room?

'Lets take a look around', I suggest Aidan. He nods and I push the door open, it creaks like it hasn't been opened for years. To my surpise it is an decent room, a two-person bed in the middle, large white curtains in front of the window, a door that probably leads to the other room, a low cupboard and two large paintings. I walk the already mentioned door and push it open.

It's a small closet in the wall with all different sizes of boxes stuffed inside.

Wait...does this mean that there's only one bed?

'No', I say,' this isn't happening. Fuck you Aidan, just go outside and find another room.'

'Are you kidding me?' he looks angry,' Go look for it yourself, I'm not going out there in this haunted house with that creepy woman walking around.'

He has a point, this house is creepy as hell and so is aunt Dorothea. And if she finds out we've been searching through her rooms she's probably going to be even more scarier.

'Sorry about yesterday', I say, trying to get Aidan's trust back...if it was ever there,' I was drunk.'

That was a lie, I was definitely not drunk, even though I wasn't really in control of what I was doing. He makes me crazy and makes me lose my fucking mind. So, basically it's his own fault.

'Its alright. Do you see the light switch anywere?'

I look around, trying to find it by the moonlight falling into the dark room. Does it even exist? The large lamp on the roof with candles on it looks like its laughing at us for not being able to find the switch to let him light up.

'I can't find it', I say, dropping my bag on the floor.

Aidan sighs. 'Maybe we actually need to light the candles? I thought they were fake.'

'That's a good one.' I take off my shoes and walk to the bed. Standing on it, I study the candles on the lamp. 'Shit, they're real', I wisper shocked. 'See if you can find a lighter somewhere.'

I jump off the bed and help Aidan searching. There isn't a lot to search through, only the cupboard the boxes in the closet.

'Got it', Aidan says, while holding in his left hand the last box and in his right one a red lighter.

'Good, try it.'

He gets on the bed like I did a few minutes ago and tries to light a candle.

'It's empty.'

'No...,' I say sighing,' that can't be. Let me try.'

Aidan throws the lighter to me and gets off the bed. I try the button but it doesn't work. 'Shit. Then we have to do it without light. I'm going to change.' I put the lighter on the cupboard and grab my bag.


I search through my bag for sweatpants, hearing Aidan opening his bags too. I find a gray one and put my shirt over my head, followed by taking off my ripped jeans. While putting on the pants I peak to Aidans direction. He's just taking off his shirt.

I don't think my heart is beating anymore. Some kind of a black stain is visible above his jeans, probably continuing under them too, a tattoo? But the other thing that's visible is the piercing in his nipple.

He has a fucking nipple piercing...

I'm a sucker for these kind of things, literally and figuratively.

I have to turn around right now.

It's going really wrong down here.

Couldn't he just be not attractive? Jesus...

'Are you alright?' a soft voice from behind me asks. Yes, make it even worse Aidan, do your fucking thing.

I want to hear his moans while I let my tongue play around with his nipple piercing.

Jesus, Zephyr, focus on something else.

'I'm going to lay down on the left side, alright?' he says.

'Yes, that's okay', I answer, trying to sound normal. I walk to the window, ignoring Aidan, and close the curtains. I thought because that they are white that it wouldn't be so dark in here, but it's the opposite. Great, then he's not able to see what's going on.

I try to find the bed with my fingers. It's so dark that I can't see it.

Oh god, am I out of my fucking mind? How could anyone forget that he's lying here, on the left side? And who the fuck got me so far to touch his lips by accident?

'I'm sorry' is the only thing I can get out of my throat.


Quote Of This Chapter:

"He makes me lose my fucking mind."


A/N pls vote and comment, ly

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