Chapter 8; Dark Eyes

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[Zephyr POV]

Was I going to kill him? Did my emotions take over? What the fuck just happened? Should I have killed him? He didn't actually do anything wrong, right?

Why should he live exactly with us from all people? Why not somebody less attractive? All my plans totally mix in my head now that I think of him. I can't think normally right now. What was my next step? What's supposed to happen next? It all suddenly dissapeared.

I want to punch something, get his image out of my head.

Seriously, I am not a fucking idiot that suddenly falls in love and gets distracted from everything I need to do, am I? Falling in love is dangerous.

I think I just have to go to sleep and think again tomorrow about my plans, because now it just doesn't work.

FUCK HIM, really fuck him, I'm so done with his beautiful smile.



Waking up from the shouting of a woman and aggressive knocking on the door, is not the best situation to wake up, I have to tell you.

When she begins to perform the whole ritual again I give up and say irritated: 'Yes, I'm awake.'

'Can you open the door?' my mother asks.

'No, I can't.'

'Why not?' Her voice sounds a little bit angry.

'Because I don't want to', I reply rude.

'Okay, anyways', she continues,' we are going to my aunt's in the evening, to stay there for three days, you remember that?'

'Oh fucking god, I totally forgot about that', I wisper in shock.

'Are you still in there, Zephyr?', says my mother, trying the door,' did you hear me?'

Being a 100 percent annoyed by her voice now, I say: 'Yes, and you can go.' After a few seconds I hear someone walk away.

A few weeks ago my mom told me that we were going to her aunt's this day. It was because her aunt, Dorothea, celebrated her birthday a week ago, but at that time we couldn't go. Aunt Dorothea lives far away so a trip of a day was also not an option, so my mother decided to spend three days there since her aunt also needs some attention because of her high age, and because she's often alone. So my mom just took one of my precious weekends to try this whole 'giving my aunt love' thing out.

I can't remember the aunt, and I don't think I've ever seen her at all. It's not that I want to go see her, but my mom kinda forced me to go. She kept talking about it, until I said that I would come along.

The thing is, I actually hoped she would forget about it...but of course she didn't.

There is an other reason I said yes to my mom; one of my victims lives in the same city as her aunt... and traveling there alone is really noticeable and expensive.

I'm also glad that Aidan won't bother me in those three days and distract me from my plans, because that's the last thing I need.

Maybe I should pack my things or something, because it's already afternoon. Yesterday I went to sleep really late. Images of yesterday flash through my head. The blood, the dart arrows, Raven, Aidan, their smiles, their eyes, their lips. All the colors mix. Red, white, black...

I bite on my lip and stand up, as if I'm rising from all the memories back into the reality right now.

Pack my things, yes, that's what I need to do.

(Previous Flashback; Chapter 5)

Blinking I look at Sophia's Instagram page, after I found it on Ann's Instagram. She's hot, not that I'm into girls, but I can definitely tell if they're hot or not.

Why would Zane ever wants to harm her?

Sitting on a wall next to the school building I scroll through Instagram.

I need to go to the police, right?

I can't do this, I can't...

There's no turning back, because otherwise...

Suddenly I am being pushed forward, my phone falls out of my hands and my knee scraps over the ground.

'There's no need to be this slow', someone hisses behind my left ear, while pushing my head down into the dirt of the ground. 'What is taking you so long, little fag?'

When he shouts: 'Look at me!', I turn around, afraid and holding my breath.

Exactly when my eyes meet his dark, evil eyes he lifts his hand up and hits me hard in my face. I scream in pain en I feel the blood dripping down over my mouth.

'You are warned,' he spits me in my face. The tears well up in my eyes.

'I'm so done with you', he wispers, holding me up by my hair, 'if you haven't done it by tomorrow, I'm going to fucking murder her, you get it?!'

He stands up and leaves.

I really need to do something; I think, getting a panic attack.

(End Flashback)

'Where are you going?' I ask Aidan. He is packing his things, like me and my mom. Now I know that I won't see him for three days, being mean to him isn't my first priority. I'm actually kinda relieved I'm not seeing him for three days, because he's annoying as hell. Just look at him for a few seconds, his hair looks so fluffy and cute, I really want to touch it, that's fucking irritating me. His clothes look so good on him, his clothing style is really nice, but I'd also like to see him without them on.

I'm not fucking allowed to think something like that, he's ugly and annoying, that's it.

Thinking so much, I didn't notice the strange look on Aidan's face. 'What's wrong?' I ask him.

'What ... are you making fun of me?' I see the afraidness in his eyes, he's probably thinking about yesterday.

What? This is really confusing ... is even this question nowadays weird?

'What do you mean?' I reply frowning.

'Your mother didn't tell you?'

'... About what?' Now I'm really curious what is he talking about?

'That I'm coming with you guys.'


Quote Of This Chapter:

"Falling in love is dangerous."


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