Chapter 9; Dark Place

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With a blanket in my arms I stare out of the car window. It's dark outside and only the sound of the moving car and soft music coming out of the radio can be heard. Thousands of stars are shining in the dark sky.

Aidan's father couldn't come with us because of his insane working hours. My mom is driving and Aidan sits next to me, because my mom thought that was a good idea. Don't ask me why.

He awkwardy tries to avoid me everytime I look at him. It's actually kinda cute.

I don't like it that he's here or that I have to see him for three days straight, but I don't really have an option since I need to be in that city.

'You want to share the blanket?' I ask him. He turns his head to me; 'What?'

'You want to share?' I point to the blanket.

'No, thank you', he says. I think he's afraid of me.

'But you're shivering of the cold?'

He doesn't say anything back. I take that as a yes and put the blanket over his legs. He doesn't push it away.


With my eyes fixed on the stars outside I suddenly feel something heavy on my left shoulder. I look down and see the soft black hairs of Aidan. The urge to touch it is too much and my hand goes through his dark strands. My hand contrasts with the black of his hair, my fingernails shine because of the soft moonlight falling into the car.

He doesn't wake up when I move my hand from his hair to his thigh. The fabric of his jeans feels soft, where did he buy this? I want it too.

'What are you doing?' A dark voice wispers in my ear. I suddenly feel his hand sliding around mine and holding it.

I actually don't know what I was doing so giving him an answer to his question is useless. 'You slept on my shoulder.'

'I'm sorry', he replies, not looking like he cares.

He looks so beautiful. Can I just watch him forever?

I'm going to throw up if I ever let my mind think this again. 'It's alright', I say awkward,' I...I...umh... like your piercing.'

'Wich one?' he asks confused. Is it necessary to ask that difficult question? He has a lot of them in his ears and one in his lip, I saw the last one for the first time today. Maybe he has more than that? Would he have tattoos? I'm so curious. All kinds of possible images of his body flash through my head.


'Yes..yes, umh... the piercing', I blink confused while thinking wich one I like the most,' I love them all but I like that one the most.' I point to the industrial one in his left ear. 'It looks really good on you.' 

'Oh, thank you', he smiles. My moms eyes are focused on the way, busy with driving us too our destination. Aidan's eyes wander back to the window, his hand still holding mine.

Suddenly I feel angry and dissapointed in myself, I had agreed with myself to not give him attention, to ignore him, but it's not working out at all.

Frowning I shake his hand off mine. The blanket makes a soft shifting sound when I release my hand from his fingers. Why did he hold my hand in the first place? Weirdo.

He turns confused his head around. Like he is saying 'What did I do wrong' with his eyes.

He's adorable.

Forget that throw up promise...

My hand finds his cheek. Gently I go with my fingers over his soft skin.

'What the fuck, Zephyr?' he says as quiet as possible,' touch your fucking girlfriend or something.' He pushes my hand from his face and throws the blanket off his legs.

It hurts me.

I don't get why such a small thing from a person I hate hurts me so much.

What's wrong with me? Falling in love is too dangerous at this moment, right? I don't get myself anymore, I feel like my mind is lost in a dark place.

I pick up the headphones that had been lying next to me all the time and plug it into my phone. Just listen to music, easy solution, you will forget everything.

I search a perfect playlist between my playlists. Music has always been my escape, it's amazing how it makes me feel, how it keeps me fighting, how it lets me do things I normally can't do.

When I look at Aidan I see his lips moving. Ignoring him I close my eyes and let myself fall into the world of music.


'Wow', I wisper. Aidan looks shocked too.

I didn't know my mom's aunt was so rich. The three of us are standing for an enormous house. Beautiful colored windows with huge curtains behind them, balconies with all kinds of sculptures, a garden with thousands of different flowers.


'Aunt Dorothea!'

My mother and her aunt run to each other and hug like nothing in the world is better than hugging. It is an old lady with gray hair, a long black skirt and a with flowers covered blouse.

It begins to become awkward, standing here next to Aidan, not saying anything and just watching my mom hugging a complete stranger for minutes.

'Time to go inside, it's very late already', aunt Dorothea says.

I sigh relieved.

Our footsteps sound hollow in the high, long hall. Large paintings hang on the walls with all kinds of people. I feel like I landed in a museum or a castle. After passing a few doors, aunt pushes open a door. A large room with antique furniture is visible. It is not my style but I can understand that some people love this.

We sit down on one of the couches. It's covered with knitted blankets.

'Do you want coffee, Lydia?'

'Yes, please', my mother answers. Aunt Dorothea dissapears through a door next to our couch to come back a few minutes later with a tray with two porcelain mugs and two glasses on it.

The first thing she says to us: 'Here, for you.'

Aidan and I thank her at the same time, our eyes meeting afterwards because of the coincidence.

I take a glass and taste the liquid with my lips, it's water.

I don't think she likes us.


Quote Of This Chapter:

"I don't get why such a small thing from the person I hate hurts me so much."


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