Chapter 17; No Light

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(Previous Flashback; Chapter 14)

I'm almost home. Walking through streets without street lanterns gives me discomfort. It feels like I'm being watched, like every window in the street has someone watching me behind it, like after every corner of a street someone is waiting for me. Uneasy I walk further trying to get to home fast. Without my notice my breathing increases and my heart begins to beat faster. I really feel like something is going to happen. This feeling is terrible. Days and days long I've had this feeling, it's all their fault, they made me feel like this.

I need to stay in the shadows, nobody will notice me there. Without intention of it I suddenly think about all the things Zane said. I had one day... one day. That one day is over now.

Now I realise that I don't have hours left, that I don't have anything left. Would they really do that? Can't I ask for extra time? I don't have their numbers... What do I do?

Alright, Zephyr, stand still, take slow deep breaths... I try to keep my breathing normal but it just doesn't work and I slowly start to feel lightheaded. My chest hurts insanely.

I need to sit down, slowly I move from resting with my head against the wall to sitting on the ground.

'I see you already sat down nicely for us', a voice suddenly sounds above me.

Just when they finished their sentence I lost consciousness, everything becomes dark.


When I slowly open my eyes, looking through my eyelashes, it's hard to open my eyes and it makes me wanting to laugh. But that feeling is gone quickly when I hear voices speak in distance. '...don't give a fuck about it... your bussiness now... go fuck yourself... done with this shit.'

Who are arguing? I can't distinguish those voices.

Suddenly I feel that my hands are tied on my back, my feet are also tied together. Still dizzy I look at the blurry space around me. Where the hell is my shirt? And my pants? My shoes? My socks? They aren't even in this room. It's very dark here but I can still clearly see everything on the ground. I am sitting on some kind of sofa. Bruises and wounds cover my body and my mouth tastes like blood. 

Fuck, I really got into some shit now.

I hear a door open and look up to see what's happening.

'I see that you finally got your consciousness back', the person says,' you're fucking weak.' A laugh follows.

I look down and wait for someone to hit me. My head hurts and I can't think normally. I actually don't give a fuck anymore at this point, they can just kill me. I can't really register what is happening and I almost begin to feel good knowing this all will be over.

But it seems like they have other plans. Others entered the room. Five boys standing there, staring me down.

I feel ashamed. Why did they undress me?

For a long time it's just silence. Then the boy standing in the middle suddenly begins to scream; 'Is it that hard to just do what I say!?'

I know that voice, that could be only one person in the world.


'Look at me... just look at me... look at me!' I hear footsteps coming into my direction. I jerk my head up and look straight into his eyes.

'You should listen, Zephyr, you're the one tied here... I'm not', he wispers next to my ear.

I don't say anything back.

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