Chapter 38; Taste Of The Devil

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[Zephyr POV]

Who the fuck did this to Eden? Anger runs through my veins.

'Can you get up?' We have to get him home first before firing questions at him. He must be very uncomfortable and hurt lying there like that.

When he tries to get up but doesn't succeed, I step forward and put my hands under his back and legs. 'Does this hurt?'

He shakes his head and I lift him up; 'Open the car, Aidan, the key is in my pocket.'

I feel his hand remove the keys out of my pants. Eden almost doesn't weigh anything and I easily walk behind Aidan to the car. Eden closes his eyes and one of his hands grabs my left hand for support. He squeezes me like he is in terrible pain. Suddenly a tear slowly travels down from his eye to his ear.

It makes me angry and sad to see him like this. The happy sweet guy I knew, totally destroyed and hurt.

'I'll drive and you take care of him', I tell Aidan. He nods and sits down in the backseats to keep an eye on Eden.

When I look through the mirror in the middle of the car, I see Eden reaching out to Aidan. When their lips connect I almost crash the car because I'm looking so intensely. Aidan supports the back of Eden's head, they move carefully and very sweet.

It's as if Aidan doesn't want to hurt him, but kiss his pain away.

When they stop to get their breathe back I act like I was looking at the road the whole time.

Aidan's hand goes through Eden's blue strands. He wispers something in his ear and gives him a kiss on his forehead. To see them acting like this, it's making me weak.

We drive in the street of Eden's apartment. I park the car and get out to hold the door open for Aidan and Eden. Eden slowly tries to walk with the support of Aidan. When I have closed off the car I get on the other side of Eden and put his arm around my shoulders. My own hand slides around his back, meeting Aidan's. He looks at me when my skin touches his.

We get inside like that and put Eden on the couch. He the first to speak; 'I wanna take a shower.'

'Are you able to?' Aidan asks concerned.

'Yes, just help me get there, please', he says, looking up to us.

'Alright', I nod.

Aidan and I do our support thing again and walk him to the bathroom. Eden leans to the glass cabin and tells us to leave him there.

We go back to the couch, but Aidan's frown doesn't dissapear. We hear water streaming somewhere far away, I guess he succeeded.

We sit in silence, Aidan fidgeting with the chain around his neck and blinking rapidly. I put my hand on his thigh. 'He'll be okay, sweetheart, don't worry', I wisper.

Immediately when I finish my sentence I loud bang is heard.

'My god!' Aidan stands up and runs towards the bathroom, I do the same and follow him. He opens the door, because Eden didn't have a chance to close it.

We see Eden getting up to sit against the glass. 'What happened?' Aidan asks.

'I'm okay, I just fell down', Eden tells us, with a painful expression on his face.

'You just fell down?! Why do you call that being okay?' Aidan's voice sounds outrageous.

'I'm sorry, I just meant... I don't know... I didn't die, anyways.'

Aidan sits down to the boy and goes with his hand through Eden's hair again. 'It's okay, it's okay... I'll help you.'

When Eden stands up again two feelings mix in me; extreme anger and extreme admiration.

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