Chapter 7; Dark Night

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[Aidan POV]

A little bit confused I look down on the trembling boy beneath me. Is something going on, is he okay? Is he afraid of sirens? Why is he here in the middle of the night? What are those strange dark spots on his shirt?

When he looks up, I see the fear in his eyes, his beautiful eyes that I had conquered just a few seconds ago. 'What are you doing?' I ask him.

'I...I... umh, I don't know,' he speaks up, with his now so soft voice. He stands up and looks confused at me. I hear him whisper: 'Why is he so beautiful?'

'You said that out loud.'

'Did I?' He looks even more lost now. 'But...yes you are.'

'I know', I say and turn around and walk through the door. The echoes through my head, 'I know, I know, I know.' I hear someone laugh.

Think about what you just said.

The laugh continues. I cover my ears with my hands, I push so hard that my head hurts from it.

But the laugh doesn't go away.

I try to get to my room but halfway someone pushes me with strenght against a wall. Through a blur I see a face. Something comes fast to my direction. 'No, no... please, let me go, I didn't do anything wrong!' I manage to get out of my throat. Tears escape my eyes, my emotions take over and I feel all the energy drawn out of me. I feel myself falling down, but then I'm suddenly catched in someone's arms.

It isn't him. He smells different. 

I open my eyes. My mind is all blurry and dark, like being in a cave without light. Slowly I see eyes a few centimetres from mine. Dark, worried eyes.

'Aidan, are you okay?' the eyes ask.

'Yes...I am', I say, embarassed, not wanting to get caught in his arms. I open the door to the room at opposite of his room.

'It's good that you didn't choose the room next to that one, because I wouldn't treat you kindly.'

I turn around and look in his eyes again: 'Why?'

'You will find out soon enough...'

Why is he like this? He's not telling me anything, maybe I have to ask his mother? Or try to sneak into that room?

Exactly when I turn my eyes away from that room and want say something to Zephyr again, he is gone. Sighing I walk into my room.

I close the door. Will I ever get used to this house? The softly painted wood of the door contrasts with the somewhat dark walls. I'm going with my hand over the lines in the wood. Maybe Zephyr has painted this... why do I even think that? Would he like art? He looks like it.

There is something with him, something that I can't see.

What did he do outside? Does he have a girlfriend? Did he fight someone?

'What are you doing?'

Why don't the voices in my head leave? I want to scream, but I can't, afraid to alert Zephyr.

I press my hands over my ears and my head, trying to lock the sound outside, as an instinctual reaction against sound. I know it doesn't help.

There will be a day that I can no longer handle this, that I will collapse and that everyone will find out. A tear runs over my cheek. I rub it away, emotions are useless.

Slowly I notice that the voice in my head is gone. I sigh and turn around to my bed.


I have never been so shocked in my entire life.

It's creepy to think about someone and then that someone suddenly appears.

I'm speechless.

His dark voice sounds slowly through the room. 'What's wrong?' he smiles. His hands play with a sharp knife, he lets the metal go over his fingers, blood drops fall on the ground and on my bed sheets. The soft sound of the red drops is the only audible sound. His skin slowly covers with blood.

'Zephyr,' I say wispering, 'please stop hurting yourself.'

He is still smiling.

'Come sit next to me,' he asks pouting, his dark eyes focused on my neck,' I'm feeling a little lonely.' 

Is this a nightmare? I feel all my senses focus and the nerves through my whole body. Scared I take a step back, but I can't go further, the door is behind me. I feel the panic rise when Zephyr gets up and slowly takes a step into my direction. 'What are you afraid of? I'm your brother, you said it yourself,' he says, licking his red lips.

Where did I end up?

He is a fucking psycho...

'I need to go.' I try to let my voice sound stable.

'What's the rush, brother? I just began to like playing with you...' His dark eyes sparkle because of the soft light in my new room. He slowly goes with his fingertip over the metal of his knife. When I put the door handle down, his voice sounds angry and annoyed: 'Walk through that door and you will die...'

I stand still, trying to reduce all possible movement, afraid of what he is going to do. 'Come here....' he wispers, 'I need my brother....'

Suddenly he stands behind me: 'If you don't move, I will.'

'Turn around', he commands.

The echo of the words stays in my head, reminding me of terrible memories.

Trembling I slowly turn around. 'Please, leave me alone...'

You deserve to die, anyways...

I see the emotion in his eyes change. I can't place wich emotions I see, but it's definitely changing.

He pulls me into a hug. I try to scream but he covers my mouth.

It's too late.

I'm going to die. It's over. Suddenly a weird peace falls over me, as if I'm ready for what's going to happen.

But the thing that actually happened, I wasn't ready for at all.

I suddenly feel his tongue go over my neck. Because of the hand on my mouth I can barely breath, and getting turned on doesn't make it any better. My chest rises up and down, attempting to get some air. 'You're so fucking hot', he wispers next to my ear. His bleeding hand closes around my neck. I feel the blood sticking against my skin. His tongue runs again over my neck.

Then, suddenly, he pushes me aside and opens the door.

With an; 'I have to go' he is gone.

I'm standing there, paralyzed, with a burning sensation in my chest.

Only the blood drops are left evidence of what just happened.


Quote Of This Chapter:

"Emotions are useless."


A/N dont get all defensive over the quote, its just a quote of the chapter, i didnt say that its my own opinion

Anddd... 'dark' is the new word in the next few chapter titles🙃

Tomorrow new chapter❤️

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