Chapter 29; Dancing In The Dark

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Before Zephyr can stop the car, a message comes in on my phone. I swipe up to look who it is and notice that it's Zephyr's mom.

"I can't reach Zephyr, but can you tell him that I'll be back tomorrow evening?"

I reply with a simple "yes."

'Your mom messaged me', I tell Zephyr,' she said she'd be back by tomorrow evening.'

Zephyr nods; 'I stopped the car, what's going on?'

We got off the highway and went into a small road through a forest. It's dark outside, and only the lights of the car and a small street lantern light up Zephyr's face.

I put my phone away with the notification sound off. 'I don't know, I just... wanted to stop here.' I realise I don't have an excuse to stop the car.

'Are you not feeling well? We could wait a couple minutes before continuing, that's okay', he has never sounded so sweet before.

'Can we walk a bit?' I ask, in need of some fresh air.

'Of course.' Zephyr opens the door and I follow him in that. After locking the car he takes my hand.

When we walk into the forest it is as if we closed our eyes. There's darkness everywhere. The street lantern we left behind isn't giving us light now and the only thing we can do is feel with our hands.

Suddenly Zephyr stands still; 'How is this a good idea? We can't see shit so we won't find the way back too.'

Somehow a small giggle escaped my mouth. I just feel Zephyr smiling because of that, I just know he is.

'We could get eaten by an animal', I say, finding it ridiculously funny because of no reason.

'There's more options than that', Zephyr's voice sounds suddenly dark and low.

Why is he out of nowhere so serious? This guy is so weird, for real. And while I think that I suddenly feel his hand carefully on my chest, immediately changing the mood. I burn up right away.

Oh, it wasn't serious, but horny...

His hand explores further, to my face. I feel his breath close to my neck.

Do I want this? Not even being able to think about it, I drown in his touch. His lips find my neck and he starts kissing me softly, just to start sucking on the skin right after. His hand goes through my hair and tugs on it, to pull my head backwards.

A small moan escapes my lips.

A tree presses in my back, I didn't even notice he walked me against one. When he stops sucking his tongue slides over the mark he made and makes me shiver in pleasure.

His tongue creeps up over my jaw towards my mouth. I pull my head out of his grip and accidentally land with my lips against his forehead. My teeth hurts but it doesn't matter.

I look for his lips and feel his warmth surround mine. Slowly our lips move, dancing in darkness. I feel his knee between my legs. My hands carefully goes forward to touch him somewhere. The somewhere became his abs.

Suddenly Zephyr backs away. 'We... we're gonna stop now.'

What? 'What do you mean', I wisper, totally turned on.

'Sorry but I can't do this.'

'Why not?' I ask, a bit worried.

'Just... can we go back to the car?'

Why did he just ignore my question like that?

[Zephyr POV]

I'm horny as fuck now, and I know that. I want to fuck him so hard that he wouldn't be able to walk anymore, and then I'd do it all over again.

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