Chapter 4; Blood Sweat and Tears

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[Zephyr POV]

I have some serious exes. Raven is one of them. He was great, first then, then not anymore. He went too far. I know what he did, he doesn't know I know.

I loved him.

I don't get it, that he ruined my life like that.

I still remember that he was sometimes very angry because I didn't want to tell anyone that we were together.

He had nothing to lose, I did. He could have told it to everyone, but he didn't do that.

I guess he still loved me a little bit.

At one point we started fighting. We argued about the smallest things.

Then on a summer evening I found him, cheating on me. I just stood there and I saw them...

My sister and him...having sex in his apartment, on his bed, that we shared so many times.

I ran away, I ran until I could no longer.

Raven knew who my family was... I showed him everyone.

At one point I stood still and collapsed against a wall. The tears streamed over my face, and I couldn't move anymore. I just stared in the darkness of the night, half paralyzed.

I think I really trusted him and never pictured him in my head cheating and not at all with someone from my own family.

She didn't know he was mine... I never told anyone...

Thinking about all of this years later, I feel good about what I'm gonna do soon.

It's Friday today. The day of two complete strangers moving in.

Yawning I get out of my bed to take a shower. I grab some clothes from my closet and look in the mirror, a smile is plastered on my face. My eyebrow piercing shines between the strands of hair that hang over my forehead.

The shadows falling because of the early morning dull are drawing lines over my exposed upper body and accentuate my muscles.

I trace with my finger over the beautiful dark lines of my tattoo on my stomach.

The mesmerising lights of the rising sun leaving behind me, I open the door to the hallway.

My footsteps fall silent when I open the door to the bathroom. Steam of a hot shower meets my face, water drops form on the mirror.


When I open the bathroom door to walk into the hallway I hear a 'bang' and then someone swearing.

A face appears from behind the door.

Fuck, I completely forgot that that fucking guy would take over my house. He looks at me with his hand against his blood-colored forehead: 'Hey.'

Light green eyes like that of a cat and dark hair just like mine, piercings shining in his ear. A black shirt with a red print of a skull and some letters of an unknown language next to it.

'Sorry', I say, focusing on our 'conversation' again. He sticks out his other hand.

'I'm Aidan, nice to meet you.'

'Zephyr', I say coldy.

'What about having a sibling now?' he says, looking for a conversation topic. Suddenly I freeze. 'You are not my sibling, what the fuck are you even thinking?!' I push against his chest and he half stumbles backwards.

How can he ever say something that rude?

When he finds his balance again I hear softly from under the small hairs that fell on his face: 'Can you please not touch me?'

I laugh: 'Are you scared of me?'

'I am not scared of you.'

'Try to say something like that again, then, huh?' I scream, suddenly feeling the anger running through my veins.

When looking up, he frowns. A lonely blood drop is falling from the cut in his forehead. 'Are you crazy, don't scream like that.'

When I open my mouth again to scream and tell him that this is my house and he doesn't live here so he can't tell me what to do, he covers my mouth.

I immediately hit him with strength in his face and push him against the wall.

Images of my sister flash through my head...Her smile, her words, her voice...

Trying to replace the image of my sister with Aidan's hurts me, it hurts so much that I feel like screaming, that I need to scream, that I need to hit someone.

Not being able to control myself I hit him in his face again.

Suddenly a tear escapes from his left eye. Then another one from his right eye.

Trembling I step back.

Tears fall down his face and he cover his face with his hands, trying to hide it.

Shocked I run to my room, slam the door shut and sit down on the cold floor.

What the fuck did just happen?

Is he okay?

I don't know why I got so angry all of a sudden, he probably doesn't even know what he said wrong.

But there is no more room in my mind for him. The only person I can see in front of me is Raven. Especially his smile.

We were together but we will never be together again.

Tomorrow, tomorrow it's his turn.

He still lives in the same house and in the same room. Research wasn't really necessary, when you date someone you learn a lot about that person, so...

I remember how he printed all our photo's and kept them in a drawer and placed some of them on the wall, how we often sneaked out of the house at night and walked through the woods together, how we bought nail polish to paint the nails of his grandmother's cat.

By the way, that last thing ended in a disaster, the cat wouldn't cooperate and clawed us wherever she could. That was sad, because it suited her well.

And how we once pranked his mom by sending her letters from a non-existent man. She got so angry that she teared all of them apart and went on the look out for when the mysterious man came to bring a letter again. Unfortunately we didn't know what was going on and she caught us red-handed.

I know, I did stupid things, but anyways I was a lot younger at that time.

But he did something that was worse...

I knew somewhere, deep down, that he did hang out with Zane sometimes, I should never have trusted him...


Quote Of This Chapter:

"We were together but we will never be together again."


A/N ill publish two chapters tomorrow, bcs one of them is under the 1000 words

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