Chapter 15; No Time

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[Aidan POV]

'There is definitely something wrong with my mom's aunt', Zephyr says to me while we walk upstairs to our room, through all the halls, rooms and stairs, recognising our way by now,' maybe she is sick? Or is it just normal that such old people stare like that the whole time? She didn't say anything the whole meal too.'

'It is kinda scary, I begin to feel really uncomfortable', I tell him, feeling her eyes burn down on me again,' I don't know why she constantly looks at me.'

'I really wanna know what the fuck is going on in her mind.' Zephyr pushes the red door open and goes inside. I follow him and sit down on the bed.

'Would she have placed a camera here or something?' I ask Zephyr, unsure why I would think that.

'Shit man, what if she really did that? Why would we have a room here, at the highest floor of this house? What would she want from us? And yes...maybe we can look for a camera?' He looks at me, a little bit shocked.

I nod and say: 'You start over there', pointing to the right side of the room,' I'll start here.'

Zephyr stands up and begins to look at all possible hiding spaces for a camera. I begin to search through the closet all over again.

By the time we searched everything, we come to the conclusion that there really was no camera here, otherwise we would have found it. Sighing of relief Zephyr sits down on our bed: 'Seriously, what if there really was a camera, then we'd be fucked.'

'Indeed, but I think I just got a little bit paranoid.'

For a long time there is just silence in our room. I listen to music with headphones on and he... I don't know actually what he is doing. He just lies there with his head to my side and his phone to the other, so I can't really tell.

Then after an hour or two he speaks up: 'Do you want wine or anything?'

'Do you?' I give him his question back. I don't really like wine but since that's the only thing we have, I'm up for it.

'Yes, definitely', he smiles while taking his bag off the floor and taking one bottle.


'I really need some fresh air, honestly', Zephyr tells me after we finished one bottle of wine. It's 1 AM and I guess that everybody else here is asleep.

'Should we go outside then?' I ask almost excited, there is a forest around here and it's fucking dark outside, I'd love to go outside right now.

'Okay', Zephyr says smiling. 

I stand up and take my jacket off the ground. It's not really cold outside but it isn't really warm either.

When we close the door behind us it makes a sqeaking sound. 'Jesus.' Zepyr's face is almost not visible with the small amount of light in the hallway.

My laugh sounds soft between the walls and Zephyr smiles too. 'They're never gonna hear us, so it's okay', I tell him.

When we finally find a door that can bring us outside this house Zephyr says: 'Fuck, we didn't think about the key part. We obviously don't have a key.'

'Are you sure?' I ask him, looking frowning at the almost not visible key sticking out of the keyhole, under the door knob.

'God, no... this is fucking creepy', he says, not believing his eyes.

We can't go back now, we're here already and going back to our room would be childish.

'Turn it around.' Zephyr's hand goes to the key, and I hear every second that the big clock behind us in a hallway ticks. What if Dorothea suddenly surprises us with a visit? What if Zephyr's mom suddenly appears? Jesus, I fucking can't have this.

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