Chapter 23; Lost Children

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I think I fell asleep on the soft sand. The lake I built up so much memories from lies in front of me, quiet and dark but still soothing. Beauty and ugliness come together and make one here.

The sun is setting and makes the lake glow up with pearl waves. Two swans slowly dance over the waves, their white color contrasts with the black of the lake.

What time would it be? I take out my phone to look at the time. Of course, it's broken. I went into the lake...

My clothes dried in the meantime, but I feel terrible and sand is sticking to my skin and clothes. I have to go back and shower, maybe they already found Aidan.


'Zephyr', my mom stops, I hear a small sob,' where did you go? I thought I lost both of you!'

'My phone died.'

Immediately when I stepped into the house my mom came to me and started screaming like that.

'It's not okay to just go away in a situation like that!'

'I can do what the fuck I want', I say annoyed.

'That's not how you talk to me.' My mom puts her hand in the air, as if she's going to hit me, but seems to reconsider things and put it down again. 'Say you found him.'

'I could say that if you'd like that,' I laugh,' but I didn't.'

'Zephyr, this is not a funny situation, I am going to call Alexander right now.' Stress and frustration seems to spread on her face. She takes out her phone and begins to dial a number.

'Who is Alexander?'

Is that Aidan's dad?

'Aidan's stepdad.' My mom her puts a finger on her mouth to make me shut up like I'm a child.

I probably need to buy a new phone tomorrow, I don't think I can buy it today.

My mom's stressed voice irritates me and I walk away from her straight into the arms of aunt Dorothea; 'I... umh... inspected the basements', she says vague, looking confused and terrified,' he's nowhere to be seen.'

Damn. I really hate this situation.

Exactly when I try to go upstairs my mom yells; 'Stay here, Zephyr, help us searching, it's already 11 p.m. If we don't find him by tomorrow I'm gonna inform the police.'

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. That's the last thing I need. 'Where do I have to look?' I ask,'What did you guys search through already?'

'We searched the ground floor, first floor and the basements.' My mom looked very relieved when I told her I was helping.

'I'll start on de second floor then, alright?'

My mom nods, swallowing slowly as if she's trying to avoid to burst out in tears.

I turn around. I'm beginning to get genuinely worried about him. I've only known him for a few days, how stupid is that? Fuck this.

I arrive on the second floor. Maybe he is lying somewhere, passed out or death. Or did he run away? Maybe he is kidnapped but who the fuck would do that? Alright there is a possibility, I don't know anything about him. Maybe he is a criminal. Maybe someone just thought he was sexy and kidnapped him. Sounds reasonable. Yes, what if he is just hooking up with someone and passed out after? He wouldn't be gone for two nights and a day, right? That's weird... Also who wouldn't bring their phone with them?

Suddenly I think about the photo on the night stand of Dorothea. Aidan's picture. Would that have to do something with this?

I turn immediately around and run downstairs. Panting I shout 'Mom!'. She appears from the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand; 'Did you find him!?'

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