Chapter 32; Dead Search

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[Aidan POV]

I woke up at a very unusual time, 3.30 AM.

Why? I really need some rest, but when I sit straight up in my bed I notice that I'm actually not that tired anymore.

Suddenly, when I want to step out of bed, I see someone standing against my door, watching me.

Oh my god.

'Why are you here?' I ask him.

'I'm watching you', Zephyr answers,' don't want anyone to kidnap you again.'

'What?' Why does he think he needs to look after me? He's not my dad or something.

'Sex doesn't make us boyfriends, asshole, now leave my room', I tell him, mad.

'No.' Instead he takes a few slow steps towards me. I back a bit away. He's totally dressed in black and smiles at me, it's not a creepy smile this time. 'Can I sit next to you?' he asks me, pouting.

'Don't try that on me', I say closing my eyes,' alright, sit down, annoying idiot.' His smile becomes even wider.

'What do you want?' My curiousity is high at this point. He didn't say anything yet, but his eyes tell me he went through something that made him smile that much. 'What did you do?'

'I met someone', he wispers with dreamy eyes.

'Who?' Jealousy and curiousity mix in my heart. He puts his head on my shoulder, sitting next to me. Oh god, this boy got me.

He washes my sadness away, makes my heart race and I'm addicted to it, he puts the poison in my veins and I love it. I know that I'll regret it later on, because he is unpredictable, manipulating and does only what he wants.

'He is... like an angel', his voice sounds soft, 'I don't know what happened but he just popped up out of nowhere.'

'What's he like?' I ask, going with my fingers through his hair. It is as if I tamed the beast for a few seconds, and I immediately take advantage of it. Zephyr seems to be in another world, maybe not even noticing he's talking to me.

'He's beautiful,' his eyes stare at something that doesn't exist,' he has this smile, that... he... he's just... somehow I'm afraid I imagined him.'

'Did you just meet him? Weren't you sleeping? Then it probably was a dream', I conclude, trying to brighten things up for him.

'No, I was walking on the streets', he says, suddenly bitter as if he just was reminded of something he didn't want to think about. 'He just appeared like that.'

Suddenly Zephyr gets off me and stands next to me. He begins to laugh hysterically; 'You really believed me? I'm just talking about stupid shit. It's not even real. You believed me, how hilarious.'

I blink a few times, thrown roughly out of our moment. 'You... you just talked about something you made up yourself, to irritate me?'

He ignores me and begins to look through my stuff. 'Who's this guy?' He holds a small photo of my brother from like ten years ago in the sky.

'He is... it doesn't matter, keep your hands off my stuff.'

He just continues, not caring about what I say. 'Stop, Zephyr.' He makes my blood boil and I step out of my bed and push him away from my belongings.

'Woah, not so violent suddenly', he speaks out with his normal voice and then wispers  in a low tone,' or do you like violence?'

'Go to your fucking room and leave me alone.' I'm so annoyed by him. Point one; he's always horny, and point two; he never does like I tell him to do.

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