Chapter 19; Lost Between Words

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[Aidan POV]

Exactly when I've calmed down a little bit and sit up in my bed, trying to get my phone from the floor to listen to music, the door opens. 'Hello, here I am again.' Zephyrs annoying smiling face pops up from behind the door. He carries a plate with some bread on it, decorated with all kinds of candy on the sides.

I want to open my mouth to say something, but he's faster;' I...tried to make an egg...' he pauses,' but... it went a little bit wrong so we won't be eating eggs. I'm sorry.' When he's done with his sentence he shows me the evidence of his disastrous event by a picture he took.

Burnt eggs with a lot of smoke above it. 'You did that?' I ask half laughing nervously,' what did you do with it?'

'I just threw it away, but you still can smell it, I hope the smell will be gone by the time they're home.'

I nod and suddenly start to laugh, softly. I don't know, I just feel relieved or something. Maybe it's hearing his voice again and feeling a little bit better than a few moments ago.

Zephyr sits down next to me and smiles too. 'I can't even bake eggs', he says frowning.

He looks kinda cute when he's frowning, slightly pouting.

'...can you?'

'What?' I ask confused.

'...bake eggs, of course.'

'I guess, I don't really like eggs so I've never really tried it.'

Zephyr sighs relieved; 'Good, otherwise you'd be eating eggs right now.' He gives me a piece of bread; 'I don't know exactly what kind of bread this is, but it's delicious.'

I softly bite down on it, maybe scared of tasting something I wouldn't like. 'Woah, it's indeed delicious.'

After a short silence he speaks up, 'Umh...did you... cry?'

Shocked I don't know what to say.

'You don't have to talk, it's okay, but don't fucking come later to me with your shitty problems because I don't care.'

Oh, he doesn't care, I see. Somehow I thought he cared a little bit. I'm just stupid. I know.

I don't know why I suddenly feel a tear in the corner of my eye. Angry I wipe it away. Yes, cry again, good idea.

'We need to talk about yesterday', Zephyr says as if he not just said those things.

I nod, acting like I don't care about his words either.

'Can you remember Dorothea standing behind the window?'

I think I vaguely do. 'I think so?'

'I don't know, but I feel like we were just being paranoid. It's her own house, so she can do what she wants. Like, don't you stand for a window naked sometimes?'

I... No? What does he do in his free time? God.

'True', I answer on his first words.

He doesn't mention anything about the 'our bags are moved' thing. I don't wanna start about it either. Sex is also an avoided subject as he starts about bird sounds he heard in the kitchen, or something like that. He talks nonsense, easing our uncomfortable situation a little bit.

[Zephyr POV]

I'm a little bit irritated by Aidan's behaviour, he seems so off. My patience is almost gone by now, I just can't myself so far to take him serious. He just seems weak. Like he doesn't wanna talk and nothing is happening to him either? Why is he acting like a fucking victim. Pathetic.

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