Chapter 11; Dark Thoughts

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[Aidan POV]

What is he doing?

I reach my hand out to find his arms, seems like he's frozen, he's not moving at all.

Suddenly something snaps in my brain and I pull him over by his arm, he falls down en rolls over me. 'Are you alright?' I ask, not really getting what my mind just decided to do.

A soft wisper is audible; 'Yes, but I could have just walked.'

'No. It seemed like you couldn't.' I turn around to face him, my hand reaching forward to find his chest, first a little hesitant, but then feeling more confident. I move my body closer to him. His chest is going up and down in a fast pace.

'Aidan...', he breaths out.

My heart is beating as fast as his.

His bare skin is burning up. I go with my hand over his chest, feeling the tension intensify with every second I move. If he wouldn't want this he would have said so right? I go further, finding his nipples. Reaching over with my head I start kissing his soft skin. An almost not audible moan comes through his lips. Slowly I go with my hand over his abs, feeling the hard muscles tension.

He takes a deep breath when my hand gets inside his boxers. He's hard, when I touch him it becomes even worse.

At a slow pace I begin to stroke him, while kissing his neck and making his chest mine.

I feel his hands suddenly close around my neck and my head being pushed forward. His lips find my skin and his deep breaths fill the room. When his kissing becomes less I find my way down and take him into my mouth. His moans sound quietly trough the room.

When he comes I swallow everything, and wipe the spilled liquid off my face.

I lay down, still turned on like crazy, but tired of everything that happened today, and just happened. But sleeping was clearly not on Zephyr's to-do list. He hovers over me and start kissing my neck. He pulls my shirt up and goes with his soft hands over my nipple. 'This looks so good on you.' I think he means my piercing. I feel my whole body get totally sensitive, and all his touches are felt. His dark eyes are filled with pleasure and lust. He pulls down my clothes in one go to expose my dick. His mouth finding its way, leaving me moaning in my pillow, my body jerking up from pleasure. His mouth feels warm and amazing and it's all to much. I come in his mouth and he takes all of me.

Both breathing heavily we lay down next to each other. The awkward silence makes the darkness of this room even worse.

I decide to just go to sleep. I'm tired, and I don't think Zephyr will talk anytime soon.


Waking up next to someone that looks like a god, how some people would describe Zephyr, feels kinda good, I must say. Especially when he's the person that sucked you off the previous night.

His eyes are still closed and a soft stripe of sunlight colors his face.

I really should brush my teeth, I feel kinda disgusting. Is there a bathroom nearby? I get off the bed and take my toothbrush out of my bag. Opening the door I hear Zephyr say: 'Where are you going?'

So, he's awake. 'I am going to look for a bathroom.'

'I'm coming with you', he insists. He stands up, picks up his bag and walks to me. 'Let's go.'

I close the door softly behind us and walk behind Zephyr, into the right direction of the hall.

A few minutes later, and after having tried multiple doors we find the door that says 'Bathroom'. Luckily it's open. The bathroom is filled with all kinds of beautiful sculptures, lamps and different tiles.

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