Chapter 24; Lost All Alone

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'Yes, and? Are you suspecting Dorothea to have kidnapped him now?' she replies mad.

'No... I... just thought that it was weird.'

'It's not, because it was me who gave her that photo in order to know which person she is expecting', her lips form a thin line when she's done talking. 'I'm looking for Dorothea and if you're not helping, leave my eyesight.' She turns around and walks away from me, clearly annoyed by me.

But who the fuck would do such a thing like that? Dorothea can just wait to see him, right? What is behind all of this?

Fuck. Can I even trust my own mom? Am I overthinking this? Maybe he fell asleep somewhere outside or inside the house. If Zane took him, then it's all my fault.

It is as if everything happens again.

And I hate all of it, every moment. I'm scared that it might be true, but I don't want it to be true.

Suddenly I hear a scream somewhere nearby. I swear to you, this house is haunted. I turn around to look straight into the eyes of a deer. 'Jesus Christ', I curse softly, biting on my lip afterwards. It's just a fake one. Calm down, Zephyr.

But my heart beats loud and fast when I'm walking towards the place of the scream. 'Hello?' I ask, my voice echoing in a dark hall. 'Is someone here?'

I hear some stumbling noises far away. 'Mom?' I say. She went this way right? It must be her.

The only thing that I get in reply is silence, cold, heavy silence.

I fucking hate that my phone is broken, I have to call my mom or something, this house is so fucking scary. Slowly I walk further into the dark hall, my hands touching the walls, trying to find a lightswitch. But only the rough material of the walls am I able to feel. Another irritating suspect of not having a phone; you're not carrying a torch with you. How the fuck am I supposed to walk through this darkness without falling and getting lost?

When I turn my head to look back, the light that's supposed to be behind me is gone, it seems as if in front of me and behind me darkness closed around me, caged me. I sit down on the ground, taking a break from walking. My head hurts, and I hold my head in my arms for support.

I should just walk back to where I came from, because this hall is endless.

But... which direction was that actually?

I just choose a random side... it doesn't matter anyway. It'll come to an end eventually. I start to walk into darkness, touching the walls to feel where I'm going. Why is this hall so long? It is as if someone just built a few extra metres or even kilometres to this hall.


I'm back again from where I came from, so I walked into the right direction, but didn't come any further with my search.

'Mom!' I scream, 'Mom, where are you?!' Only the echo of my voice answers my screaming. The big clock on the wall makes me realise that an hour passed since I last talked to my mom.

Where the fuck is everyone suddenly? Why did my phone have to be broken today, why today?

Then I realise; Aidan's phone is in our room. As fast as I can I run upstairs. I almost walked into a wrong room. There is so many rooms and halls here, it's hard to remember everything.

I open the door with a creaking sound, almost expecting our room to be a total mess and our stuff gone. But everything is still the same, quietly lying there, waiting for someone to pick it up.

Panting I walk towards Aidan's bag. The silence around me puts pressure on me. This is the spot I saw it this morning. I feel my body heat up from stress. Where is his phone? It was right here... Did someone take it?

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