Chapter 20; Lost My Mind?

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[Zephyr POV]

A smile forms on my face when Aidan leaves the room with the little kid. Aidan looked so angry it's hilarious.

I sent my mom a message asking what the toddler is doing here and now I hear the sound of my phone so I think she replied. After having unlocked my phone I read the message, it says; "Yes, that's the child aunt always babysits on this day of the week. But she forgot all about it so can you please take care of the child?"

I sigh.

'What's up, Zephyr?' Aidan asks while entering the room again with next to him 'Spiderman' licking a a purple lollipop.

'Aunt always takes care of him on this day of the week', I say looking at the child,' but she forgot about it so we have to do it now.'

'Oh, that's not a problem I love to take care of him.' 

I nod slowly looking at Aidan like he's an alien. Does he like kids? I think so. I fucking hate kids, he can have them all. God.

'Should we do hide and seek?' Aidan asks the little boy while kneeling down next to him.

'Spiderman' throws his hands in the sky and makes a weird sqeaking sound. 'Is that a yes?'

'Yessss', he sighs happy.

I guess he never was allowed to play hide and seek, with all the expensive stuff around here. Since aunt isn't here I don't give a fuck.

'You can go hide, we will count to twenty.'

The little boy nods his head and is gone in one second.

'He's so cute.' Aidan looks at where the boy disappeared.

'Do you know what the fuck you just did?' I ask him, sort of upset.

Aidan turns around, looking confused. 'What I did... I did what?'

'You fucking told a mini creature to hide somewhere in this enormous house, how the actual fuck are we ever gonna find him?'

'Ehmm...yeah... that's a good question... but I guess it'll be alright, he's young, so not that smart.'

'Its your responsibility', I say frowning.

'You're a bitch', he replies smiling.

'I think you're the only bitch here, and my bitch to be more clear', I tell him in a low voice.

His eyebrows went up for a good second. 'What....?'

'Should we fuck here?' I ask blatantly.

'Are you out of your mind?' He hisses, grabbing the collar of my shirt, 'The kid can come back every moment, and I am never having sex with you again.'

Now he's close I touch his chin and put it up to let him look at my face; 'Are you sure?' I wisper letting my tongue go over his bottom lip.

'Fucking hell.' His voice is angry and he shoves me backwards.

I laugh and say; 'We'll see if you are never fucking me again.'


Where the fuck is this kid? We've searched for a couple of minutes already but he's still nowhere to be found. He couldn't have ran off that far, right?

I open another door and look into the room. A huge bed with curtains around it. A closet and some other random furniture.

While walking further into the room to take a look behind the curtains, my eye falls on a small photo next to the bed. The person in the picture looks familiar to me. They really look like Aidan. That's actually funny.

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