Chapter 37; Sight That Hurts

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[Aidan POV]

I'm winning, only one person left to eliminate. Hell yeah! Halfway the fight, the door of my room opens. I look up, spending only one second of my precious time on it, to see who it is.

'Fuck off, Zephyr, I'm gaming.' I look back at the screen, trying to concentrate. They're behind this wall, I swear to you. I know their health is low. Only a shot or two should be enough.

Then suddenly the two shots fired at me, kill me immediately. Angry I throw my headphones on my keyboard. The material crashes on each other with a hard sound. 'You shouldn't have entered my room!'

He just smiles, while looking at me. I stand up and walk towards him; 'I could've won, but of course you were here to fuck me over.'

'Oh, I'm so... sorry', he laughs,' I just wanted to ask you something.'

'Ask. Really if it's some kind of bullshit, I'm going to hit you in the face. I'm so done with you.'

'Why done with me? We've only just began...' his hand goes forwards to caress my cheek.

Not happening. I move backwards immediately. 'Ask your fucking question and leave.'

'You wanna go to Eden's? He asked us to come over.'

I think about it. I really wanna see Eden's house, I actually like the guy. He's so cute, friendly and sweet. But Zephyr? He's an asshole, even though I like him. But god I shouldn't leave Eden alone with Zephyr, the poor guy will get a heart attack.

'I really hate you.'

'But you're coming?' he asks.

'Yeah, only because of Eden.' His smile shows up again when I tell him that.

'Now get your ass out of my room.' I shove him backwards.

'Why? I thought you liked my ass?'

I sigh in response. This guy...

When Zephyr closes the door behind him I open my closet to find some clothes I can put on. Difficult choices. I choose a black ripped denim jeans with chains and a dark red shirt with a snake on it.

Some rings, bracelets and chains to complete the look. When I'm doing my hair Zephyr enters the room again. 'What's taking you so long, sweetheart?'

'I'm vain, bitch, let me get my hair done, I'll be out in a minute.'

'We'll take my mom's car, she's okay with it.' Yeah, the woman is probably happy we're finally doing an activity together.

I nod. Zephyr vanishes again and I continue with getting my hair the way I wanted it. When I'm done I walk out the door, down the hall. I have my phone, my earphones, my keys... that's it right?

Zephyr holds the door of the car open when I walk towards him. 'Thanks.' He gets in too and starts the car; 'Can you put on some music?'

'Of course', I say and take my phone out my pocket.


This is amazing. There's no way this is his apartment.

Eden welcomed us already when we got out of the car. He took us to his apartment and showed us around, because I asked for it. The bedroom is the most beautiful room of them all.

We're sitting on the couch and Eden is somewhere in the kitchen getting us a drink.

'Isn't this fucking cool?' Zephyrs voice interrupts the silence.


'Sweetheart, are you alright?' Why would he care?


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