Chapter 35; Dead Eyes

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[Zephyr POV]

Eden slowly walks towards us: 'Zephyr, don't do this... you've got to choose.'

I don't have to do anything, sweetie. 'I don't want to choose, and I'm not going to.'

Aidan looks to the ground, feeling the confusion around the three of us. 'I'm okay with it', he wispers quietly.

'Okay with what?!' Eden says.

'With this', I answer for him, pointing my fingers at all of us, 'The three of us.'

'Jesus, Zephyr, you want an open relationship with him?'

'No damn it, I want a polyamorous relationship', I tell him frustrated.

It's silent between us when the words sound through the sky. Aidan looks up to see Eden's reaction. What's going on in Aidan's head? Does he really want this?


'Yes', he turns to me, somewhat shocked by my voice.

'Kiss him', I wisper, directing my head slowly towards Eden.

(Previous Flashback; Chapter 34)

What's going on? Who are those people? Am I dreaming? I back away against the wall when I see the first face entering the room.


I want to run towards the emergency button but I can't move. 'Hold him', Zane's stone cold voice pierces throught the sky, pointing towards me.

Two of his guys walk towards me and hold me down in my chair. 'Stop, please!' I scream. They cover my mouth.

'Bring him here', Zane smiles.

The two guys drag me over the floor to him, Jace and Caeden. He's standing next to my sister with Axel by his side. 'You know who told me how to find your sister and what to do with her?' He asks me slyly.

I don't answer, and it's not like I can, with their hands on my mouth.

'Your sweet, sweet boyfriend.'

Raven. I'm going to murder him.

Zane seems to be very satisfied by my reaction, a smile plastering his face.

'Take it out', Zane suddenly demands, gesturing to the oxygen tube. Tears cover my face. 'No, No! Please!' I try to get out of their hold, screaming and crying.

A knife is placed against my neck. 'Now', he hisses.

When I still don't do anything he takes my right hand and forces it around the tube, squeezing my fingers around the plastic and pulling it out of her.

They cover my mouth again and my tears wet their hands, my clothes and the ground.

She's gonna die, flashes through my head, she's gonna die. SHE'S GOING TO DIE! I try to get away from their grip but they're holding me, very tightly.

I just feel so defenseless. It's all my fault.

Suddenly Ann's eyes open, just a small bit. She's awake, is she going to make it? I can't... breathe. Let me breathe.

Her pale lips wisper; 'It's not your fault, Zee.' Her eyes close and her head falls to the side.

She was my sister, my only sibling... I loved her. I haven't even told her how much I really love her... We fought, made up, celebrated each other's birthday with the cutest presents. Oh, and that time we caught a frog for mother's day, thinking it was the best surpise ever. Her smile, her eyes, her love, they'll never live again.

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