Chapter 34; Dead Girl

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[Aidan POV]

Zephyr's mom just got home. She asked for Zephyr but we couldn't find him anywhere. Our conclusion was that he probably just went out. She went straight to bed after asking me how I was doing. We started a small conversation and she suggested that she could arrange some therapy for me. I immediately declined.

He told me to absolutely get no one involved, especially these kind of people and the police... otherwise he'd kill me. So even now, with this situation that doesn't have to do anything with him, I can't do it.

She said I could always talk to her and gave me a hug afterwards. The small gesture made me feel the warmth of having a mom. She cares for me even though I'm not her child and she doesn't know me that long.

I'm sitting behind my computer, playing video games. Since Zephyr isn't home I don't have to fear that he'll suddenly disturb me, unless he comes home.

I don't know why he likes to come into my room when I didn't invite him. It's annoying.

What the fuck is he doing outside right now? It's 3.30 AM. Why isn't he back? Why two nights in a row?

Or is he just drinking somewhere? Hooking up?

He talked about someone, Eden? Who would that be? Of course he's hanging out with that guy. Damn, I hope he isn't doing some illegal stuff.

Shit, what if he is?

What am I even thinking about?

Suddenly my phone rings.

His name lights up on the screen; Zephyr.

That's creepy. 'Hi?' I say.

His voice wispers; 'I am outside, forgot my key again, can you open the door?'

'Why are you calling me at this time? Don't do that again, what if I was sleeping?' I reply a bit mad.

'You weren't so don't be angry.' And he stops the call.

This guy is so fucking selfish. Fuck him. I stand up from my chair, somehow wanting to see him, since he's been gone for so long.

Slowly I open the door, trying to decrease the sound as much as possible. I sneak downstairs without waking Zephyr's mom.

He's probably at the same door he was a few days ago. And yes there he is. But someone I can't quite distinguish stands behind him.

I turn around the key and Zephyr opens the door immediately. He grabs my arm and pulls me outside. 'Meet Eden.'

Now I can see the other boy clearly. He has blue hair and looks pale like a ghost. He looks very attractive. 'Hi', I say a bit shocked by the sudden introduction,' I... am Aidan.'

'Hey,' he's silent for 2 seconds,' I like your piercings.' Someone else told me that too a few days ago... The fucking bitch that lured me outside and is standing next to me.

'Ah, that's sweet, thank you.'

A hard 'bang' sounds behind us.

'Damn you, Zephyr!' I shout. The wind got hold of the door and now it closed behind us, with the key still in it's place.

'Oh, fuck', Zephyr says smiling,' how sad.' He starts to laugh afterwards. Eden begins to laugh to and I can't stay behind.

Eden's voice is so soft and sounds just so genuine and happy. I love it.

'What do we do now?' Zephyr asks.

'We could call your mom?' I suggest.

'Oh hell no, that's gonna be a lot of questions.'

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