Chapter 22; Lost Him

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[Zephyr POV]

When I open my eyes for three seconds, a ray of sunlight colors my hand. I feel like looking at it a little bit longer, but I am still tired so I close my eyes again.

Aidan isn't lying next to me I registered. The guy probably ran away from me a soon as he could. I think he's downstairs talking with my mom or something, they seem to get along pretty well.

When I turn around to lie in a more comfortable way, I hear creaking sounds next to my ear. Sighing I open my eyes and grab the sound's cause, it is the packaging of a tiny piece of chocolate.

Ah yes, we ate chocolate yesterday evening, I almost forgot about it. Aidan seems to like chocolate, I should buy it for him one day. Smiling I think about all the other things I want to buy for him.

I actually like it to wake up without someone next to me today. A bird sings it's song a few metres above me, on the with moss covered roof, between the highest grown trees.

I forced Aidan into shit. I enjoyed the bad side of me.

But now there's this nagging in the bottom of my mind that says that I shouldn't have done any of it.

Maybe I do actually like him. Am I even capable of falling in love anymore? If I love him why did I do such things then? I don't think I do. Maybe I just love the excitement he is giving me.

Fuck, I actually don't know anymore. But love sounds like too much. I'll keep my mind off that.

If I'm doing these things to him now, I'm gonna fuck up a possible relationship for sure.

People would put me in jail for the things I'm doing, but they made their own justice system, a system that fails. Who decided murder isn't the right thing to do? Where do good and bad come from? I feel like I don't fit here, in this world. My thoughts are different from normal people.


Getting greeted by my mom I take the last step off the stairs. 'Where is Aidan?'

'I didn't see him today yet, why?'

Yeah, why? Why do I want to talk to him? I actually don't care about him, right? 'Oh, I have something to give him.'

My mom nods, taking my lie and walks towards one of the doors that are placed in between the walls.

I feel my heart beat a little faster when I remember that door.

It's aunt Dorothea's bedroom.

'Dorothea, are you in there?'

No reply.


I grab my moms arm and pull her away from the door; 'Maybe she isn't in there. Can we have breakfast by ourself?'

'Zephyr, get your hands off me and behave.'

I sigh and look into her eyes, asking her silently with my own.

'Alright, maybe she is still sleeping, we will let her sleep for a little bit longer.'

When we walk to the kitchen I suddenly start to laugh: 'What if they're hiking together, Aidan and Dorothea.'

I see my mom smile. 'Could be.'

I can totally picture it. Dorothea meeting Aidan halfway the hall we just walked through, both sleepy, her just dragging Aidan with her go on a walk outside. The poor guy.

But enough of that nonsense, I'm going to enjoy my breakfast now.

But after a few bites it comes in my mind that Aidan might have left because of me. That's not the case right? Then I'm fucked.

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