Chapter 13; No Escape

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After my mom and aunt Dorothea left into a store I 'accidently' lost Aidan. That's the story I'm going to tell them. The truth is that I ran away from Aidan when he was waiting in the line to get ice creams for us both.

I feel kinda bad for him, I hope eating two ice creams will make him feel better.

After searching for a while and using Google Maps I found Caeden's house. I searched for one hour long, in the meantime I got five calls of my mom. They probably think I'm kidnapped. 

I've no idea where his room is and all those curtains aren't helping at all.

I switched off my phone so I don't get calls and can't be traced. Just casually standing behind a tree I watch the house. 

There is a possibility he's not even home or that I won't see him and that I'm here for nothing. Does he even still live here? The only weapon I have is my knife, would that be enough?

Caeden is a friend of Zane, it doesn't matter what kind of crime Zane would do, he's forever on his side. He was multiple times present in Zane's beating up sessions and also when my sister took her last breath, he was standing there, laughing in my face. He is fucking crazy.

If I kill him, Zane is gonna know something is happening. Since all of this happened at about a year ago I'm doubting he's gonna suspect me, I probably am not the only one he was using.

Even when he knows...I'm not afraid of him. Not anymore.

Woah, do I have this much luck?

A dark figure from accross the street is walking towards Caeden's house. They walk exactly like Caeden, maybe it's his little brother or something? 

Nope, it's really him, now that I can distinguish his face. In a black hoodie with his blonde curls hanging down from under the fabric he is approaching me. 

I take a step forward: 'Hey, Caeden.'

He turns around and looks confused at me. 'Who are you? And how do you know my name?' 

'Come with me and I'll show you.'

'Are you serious? Why would I ever do that?'

Yes, it was a dumb move to say something like that but I did anyways. Not that I care because he's not getting away. I know I can outrun him and I can threaten him.

'You don't remember me?' I ask instead.

'Remember you? I've never seen someone like you?'

'Good, I can show you. Come with me.'

I see the curiosity appear in his eyes. I don't think he sees me as a threat.

I walk into one of the thousands of narrow alleys this city has. He slowly walks behind me, clearly not knowing what to do. Stupid idiot.

Far in the back of the alley, in the shadows I push him against the wall when he ends up next to me. I take out my knife. 'Do you see this? If you make one move I don't like, you're dead. Now look at this.'

I lift up my shirt and show him my tattoo. 'You know what's covering that?' I question him, pointing at the tattoo.

'I really don't know what you are talking about. Are you sure you have the right person?' He doesn't show a little bit of afraidness, like this happens to him all the time.

I feel the anger rise in me. 'Don't you remember marking someone with their sexuality?' I suddenly scream, holding the knife against his throat.

'Ah...Zephyr, it is. Funny to see you again, how do you like your scar?'

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