Killed With Your Own Weapon; Afterword

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- a thanks message to everyone
- random facts
- a poem written by my best friend
- fanart

Thank you

You've made it til the end and I fucking appreciate it that you did. Really, thanks for the support. Means a lot.

Go tell others about it if you think they would like to read this. Art exists to share.

A special thank you to my best friend who was always full of solutions when my motivation and inspiration was totally gone and reviewed my work with a lot of love. Other thank you's to her sister, my online friends and all the awesome music in the world.

I hope everyone enjoyed it ❤️


Some random facts about this book;

1. I made 15 different covers for this book

2. it took me 1,5 year to write it

3. my original plan was to make 30 chapters and 30k words (which turned out to be 40 and 65k+ words)

4. Eden was not a part of my original plan

5. at first I wrote everything in my native lanuage and translated it through google translate, but that took so much time that I stopped with it

6. the reason why I wrote this book is that I could not find a book exactly my taste, so that's why I made it myself

7. Zephyr is just my character; he is slightly different than me but there's a lot in common. That's why I love writing through his POV so much. (Yeah, I know he's very problematic and a total asshole)

8. I have removed or edited several scenes because I thought they were too graphic or made my readers hate my characters

9. the original plan revolved around Aidan's psychologist, who in this version not even exists

Poem written by my best friend ♡

this intense pain, is shattering my soul
it breaks every cell I own in even tinier pieces
until the only thing there is left of me is dust
when will I learn to protect myself from people like you
but who am I fooling? I will always want you

I found out that loving and lying is a bad combination
got swollen and bruised because of the weight I had to carry
when your body was treated as if it was an object
it's hard to stay away from mutual love and touch
but why even try? I will always want you

how can I give you the love you crave
when everything inside me is rotten and dirt
the intense desire for revenge turned into a need for redemption
and now I'm scared the past will kill my future, my future with you
but why would I let it stop me? I will always want you

they were brought together by love, desire, pain and hate
lies were buried around them, to dig up and get hurt again
In this and every other life they will live, they will always be drawn to each other
even when they don't know what it is what they need, they will always want each other
and maybe in another world their story has a more happy ending...


This is a fanart of my amazing friend, they're very talented :) tysm for making this <33

This is a fanart of my amazing friend, they're very talented :) tysm for making this <33

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(It's Zephyr)

I also made a drawing of the three of them:

☠☠☠I also made a drawing of the three of them:

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(Eden, Zephyr, Aidan)

But in the end your own imagination is the right one.

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