Chapter 36; Touch Of Darkness

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I stare at the lines on my arms, why did I do it again? I hate myself.

Slowly I put bandages around them. Time is haunting me. Every second, every minute that goes by brings me closer. I hate it.

A long shirt with sleeves.

Someone is calling me for dinner. Zephyr? His mom? Dazed I walk out of the room. Actually my legs walk me, my head is in other places.

The three of them stare at me when I enter the room. 'What did you both do yesterday night that you sleep until afternoon?' Zephyr's mom shakes her head, probably thinking we went out drinking or something,' here have some food, Aidan.'

She puts some rice on my plate. I look at Zephyr and notice that he's looking at me too.

It's weird to call this a relationship, I barely know both of them. I don't know why I agreed. But I don't even care, they want me, I want them... and that Zephyr wants to call it a relationship... that's okay by me.

Him looking at me intensely makes me do that to him too, not wanting to show only a slight amount of being uncomfortable. I don't know what he wants? A free pass for having sex with me all the time? I don't think he really is in love with me. I feel like he only wants to have power over me.

I'm not some toy to play with when he likes to.

He smiles at me with his creepy smile, and I look down to my plate to continue eating while listening to the heated discussion about whether the front door should be painted green or black, between my stepdad and Zephyr's mom.


A slam of a door. Swearing. I wake up from it.

It's 1.34 AM. I need to go to the bathroom and slowly get out of bed.

When I open the bathroom door my eyes immediately meet Zephyr's. He's washing his hands and looks at me when I enter.

'What happened?' I ask worried. His hands are stained with a red substance, probably blood.

'I fucking cut my hand with a knife', he tells me, inspecting the cut on his hands.

'Let me see.'

He puts his wet hands on mine and I carefully turn it a bit to take a look. 'That's a deep cut.'

'Yeah, it hurts like hell.'

'You shouldn't wash your hands, then it won't stop bleeding.' I grab some toilet paper and try to get the water off his hands and put another piece on the cut.

'What were you even doing?' I ask him.

'Just cutting something', he answers vague.

'A something what?'

'A... paprika.'

Weird guy. Who eats paprika midnight? And who cuts them before eating?

'Should I get bandages downstairs?' Zephyr's mom showed me around in the house, so I know pretty much where everything lies.

When I'm downstairs, because he agreed, I look around. No paprika, or evidence of someone cutting one. Maybe he cleaned it well. Maybe he is just bullshitting? He didn't try to cut himself, right? I didn't give him that idea right? Oh no...

I take the bandages with me and go upstairs again, feeling a lump in my throat. I hate myself.

I just maked me really, really sad, the thought of him doing that. He shouldn't go through that shit. I fucking hate this world.

When I walk inside the bathroom again, I find Zephyr smiling strangely at himself in the mirror.

'I... I got them.'

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