Chapter 18; No Existence

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[Aidan POV]

Waking up next to Zephyr, with an headache, a sore ass and vague blurry memories is confusing, I wouldn't recommend it.

I think I slept deep, I also drank some alcohol...

Jesus, my head hurts like hell.

Maybe its better to go to sleep again.

'Fuck you.'


'Really fuck you', Zephyrs lips say again, a few centimetres from my face. He turns around and leaves me a little bit confused behind.

What the fuck is he now up to? Did I do something that offends him? He's weird.

'What do you mean?'

The only answer I get is Zephyrs quiet breathing.

'Fuck you', I say now, irritated.

To tired to think further I close my eyes again.


Can that someone that placed their arm on my chest move it please?

Opening my eyes I see Zephyrs arm lying on my just mentioned chest.

Sighing I push his head a little bit to the other side to wake him up, wispering that he has to put his arm away. His black strands of hair move a little when I do that.

His mouth opens slightly and the only thing he says is 'No.'

I sigh again and push his arm off my chest and tell him; 'If you ever do that again I'll cut your arm off.'

His eyes suddenly open and his head turns to my face; 'Oh, because you're so good at that?'

The silence that follows is long and painful. What does he exactly mean? My heart begins to beat faster and I feel my body tremble a bit. Did he see it?

As if Zephyr reads my thoughts, he says; 'Yeah, I saw the cuts on your arms.'

Again silence... I just stare at him in horror. I really hoped yesterday evening that he didn't see it, because yes... I remember every detail. How we sneaked out of the house, how we found that beautiful lake in the middle of the forest, how we ended up having sex, I remember it all... And I wished it never happened, because deep down I know I don't want to have anything to do with him... that I fear him...

But it happened and I can't go back anymore, the only thing I can do is not drink alcohol when he's around, it's making me lose control...

But it's just...that I thought that he couldn't see the scars on my arms, because of the low amount of light of the moon.

Unfortunately he did and he looks at me like I need to say something and I don't know anything to say.

I feel the panic rise in my chest.

Just stay calm, come on, you can do it. 'It's just scratches, nothing serious, I just got into some accident.'

Yeah, indeed, the perfect lie... I just couldn't come up with something better. 

Zephyr knows I'm lying, I can see it in his eyes... but he just turns around and keeps his mouth shut.

Exactly when I want to go to sleep again I hear a car start outside. Trying to find out what's happening outside I push open the curtain, wich was blocking out the sunlight. Looking down I see the small red car of Dorothea leave through the driveway.

'Where is she going?' I ask, forgetting about our serious conversation a few seconds ago when Zephyr gets up and watches the car leave too.

'I don't know either.' When Zephyr finishes his sentence, his phone vibrates, I know it's not mine because I completely muted my phone.

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