Chapter 28; Dancing With Angels

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Walking together through the halls, holding hands, we find the door thats next to the closet and go through it. When I look over my shoulder at the closet, I see something terrible.

Two small fingers are sticking out from under the left closet door. Fuck, of course this had to happen to me. What the fuck do I do? Shit.

Paranoid I tell Aidan to wait outside the door for me. He nods and walks away from me, he's probably still so shocked that he doesn't even think thoroughly about everything. I sigh and do my first step towards the closet. Somehow I'm afraid to look in there again, to face my own actions. To face the real me. The door opens with a sqeaking sound. The lamp in this room puts a small stripe of light on his face. His eyes stare at me, those beautiful blue eyes. The contrast between the redness of his lips and the blue of his eyes intimidates me. It makes me look at it, it takes me so far to make the seconds I could have spend on this turn into a minute, and another one.

Aidan is waiting.

I lift the cold fingers up and put them in their place. Without knowing I've held my breath in for a long time, I breathe in again I close the door. Leaving the boy alone. Alone Forever. Or maybe I'm leaving him there so he could dance with the angels in the afterlife. If they even exist. And if there is a hell I'll burn there, for what I did to him.

I have to get away from here, this fucking room is making me go mad. Door. The door. Right. I find it between all the packed stuff and put the handle down. 'Aidan?'

He is gone.

That is the moment I realise that this door has a window.

(Previous Flashback; Chapter 23)

Zane smiled and gave me a name. 'This time I won't give you another day.' He put a small bottle in my hand, while looking around if no one saw it. 'Here.' His horrible laugh sounded between the stone walls and he was gone.

Now I'm here... standing for someone's house. A someone that I have to kill. Zane gave me a picture and the name and adress. A little bit more than the last time at least. Apparently this person lives alone.

With Sophia I got through... but now? What if everything goes wrong and I end up in jail? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Why don't I take the poison myself? Then I'll die and no one will ever take advantage of me anymore. But they'll surely find other people. They'll maybe even take revenge by killing my family. I can't do it, I simply can't.

I'm fully dressed in black, the cap of my hoodie over eyes. I need to get into the house.


I found my way in and I've been waiting here for an hour already. When does this guy come home? Suddenly I hear a key being turned around in the door. Fuck, now the moment is close. Panic rises in me and stress takes over. I have literally no idea how to do this. It will go wrong this time. I won't be able to do it. He's going to kill me instead. He'll call the police. He will... he....

Fuck this. FUCK THIS.

I turn around to the window I came from and jump through it. I land on my feet and immediately start to run, as fast as I can.

Thoughts storm through my head. I can't do it anymore. I can't just kill someone. I can't fucking do it. I'm a weak fucking baby. 'FUCK!' I scream, tears drip down my cheeks.

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