Chapter 23

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Next morning I entered the university to have everyone stare at me. What was going on here? I went to the ladies room to see if there was something wrong with my attire. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a marron suit today. It was a gift from my brother. With trouser pants a light color shirt and the blazer over it. I pair it with some black heels. Apart from that I had my hair in a pony tail as always. I even wore some makeup today to cover the scar since I had to go to the bridal shop for the dress selection this evening. I can't believe I was actually getting married today. I checked my make up one last time I wore a light maroon lipstick to complete the look. I looked beautiful. Than why has everyone been staring at me. I didn't tell anyone about the wedding apart from Bri and the twins and I'm sure they both can keep a secret. I looked at my left hand and the ring was shining brightly. Should I remove it? Maybe I should I don't want people to make an issue of this or ask any questions. I'll wear it once I head to the bridal shop. I removed it and placed it in my purse. With one last look I exited the room.

It was a little empty on this side of the building since it only has teachers room and a few labs here. And no classes started before 8. It was still 7:30 am right now. I entered the teachers staff room to see that it too was almost empty expect Bri. She was an early bird. Most teachers come late almost a few minutes before their lectures. I saw Bri sitting on her desk rummaging through a magazine.

"Good morning" I said waving at her.

"Good morning beautiful. You seem to be in a good mood today" She said but somewhat in a clipped tone.

"Is something wrong?" I asked hesitant at first but worried something bad might have happened.

"Yeah. My bestfriend forgot to call me back" She huffed angrily slamming the magazine on her desk.

"Oh my god bri. I'm so sorry. I didn't realise it until later on and than I decided to do it the next day but I had to go cake testing with Angel" I explained to her. I was still somewhat standing. So I placed my things on my desk and headed towards her.

"So Angel huh?" She smiled at me.

"Didn't I tell you before?" I asked her. Can't believe that I forgot to tell her about my husband actually future husband or fiance it is I'm not sure.

"Maybe you did. Tell me about him." She was curious as a cat. I'm such a bad friend who forgot to tell her fiance's name to her friend. I should share everything with her as she does with me. I even know some intimate details about her relationship with her husband. Not by choice I must say because she's relentless when she comes to sharing things and belive me she's not shy to tell me about every explicit sexual detail. My ears have heard some pretty dirty stuff. But I like their chemistry. They are those made for each other type of couple. Josh was the most dotting husband one could wish for. He does everything thing bri ask him to. He even do to the lengths of taking care of her when she has periods.

"His full name is Angel West. He handles his family business. He's going to be 28 next month..." Before I could continue. I looked at bri to see her mouth open as if she was shocked about something

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned for my one and only friend.

"Angel West. You mean "The Angel West" The business tycoon, The most eligible bachelor in the country?" She asked but I don't think she was asking.

"Yeah. How did you know?" I asked curious about the information she was spouting.

"Dear, the question here should be and I quote for you "Who doesn't know?" She said doing air quotes with her hands. It looked comical almost.

"He's not that famous. I didn't knew about him" I stated truly I didn't and I know some of the things.

"You don't watch TV. The most social you have been is creating a facebook account which you don't even open most of the time. You're living under a rock literally. At the age of smart phones you are using a what Nokia" She pointed at my phone on the desk.

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