Chapter 45

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"Where is she ?" I screamed at Ethan who was standing in front of me with the other bodyguards.

"We lost her boss." He said bowing his head the other did the same.

"How could you lose her?" I couldn't believe I gave such incompetent people the responsibility of my wife.

"She ran away before we could say anything and than when we followed her she just disappeared into the crowd. We scanned the whole are but she was nowhere to be found. We think that she took a cab and went somewhere. " Amanda one of the female bodyguard replied.

"I paid you to keep her safe and you lost her " I was getting angry by the minute. I was already furious when we spoke on the phone. I should have calmed her. I didn't think that she would run like this. What I did was wrong? I shouldn't have done that but I had no other alternative than this.

"Get out of my face." I said and walked into her bedroom. The biggest mistake I did in my life was lying to her keeping her in the dark. I should have told her everything the moment I decided to marry her. It was my fault all along. I did the unthinkable to her and than to compensate it I married her out of pity and than I went and fell in love with her. She was never the priority or was she. I don't know when this all began and when it's going to end. I'm tired. I just wanna come clean to her and live with her as couples. I really love her.

My phone rang at the same time. I removed it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. Shit. I don't have the time and energy to handle this guy. I love him to death he's more than a brother to me but he's way too much irritating at times. Now I don't have the patience to deal with him but I know if I don't pick he's gonna call me again and again until I do.

"Hello?" I answered.

"She's there." Just this two words from the mouth of my best friend Vincenzo Knight was enough to bring me to my knees.

"How?" I asked. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I can hear it.

"She did it secretly without me knowing. Your wife she called her. " He said and I didn't know what to do. I was hearing something I wished I never had to. I tried to hide it.

"You should have taken care of everything. You promised." I said angrily.

"Angel. I think it's time you tell her everything." He said sounding sad.

"No it's not. I haven't even told her how I feel about her yet " I said feeling the regret of treating her the way I treated her since the days we got married.

"How long were you thinking of hiding it from her? You brought it upon yourself ." He said getting angry as well.

"Until the right time " I said sitting on the bed the one she uses after I threw her out of my room.

"It was never going to happen. You were going to keep her in the dark until the end. I told you to treat her better. She deserved it but you for that Chiara gave up everything " He said I could hear his disgust for Chiara in that sentence.

" If I were you I would be careful with what I say." I warned him.

"You still want to argue with me for her." He laughed on the other side.

"After Knowing everything you're saying it as if it was my fault." I defended.

"It was your fault all along to get involved we warned you but you never listened. " He said.

"I don't know what to do now" I sounded defeated. I touched the pillow she keeps her head on. I used to look at her while she slept here. Sometimes I sat beside her the whole night. She gets nightmares I had to hold her many times. She even cried at times. I was here the whole time comforting her .

"Let her know. I think it's better this way. You couldn't tell her but atleast Tessa could do what we couldn't since she hates you for what you did." He said

"Do you think she'll come back to me?" I asked sadly. I picked the pillow and smelled it I could still feel her scent in it.

"No she won't. " HE said sounding genuine.

"Okay. I have to go." I said getting up.

"I'm coming there. I have to get my wife. And Angel it'll be alright." He said and hung up.

"Is it?" I said and walked out of the room.

"Boss. " I heard Ethan call me when I got into the kitchen.

"You got a call ." He said gesturing to the house phone he was holding the receiver I took it from him.

"Hey brother." I heard Tessa say on the other side.

"I beg you to not say anything to her." I said.

"Why would I do that? You lied to her about everything." She said.

"I know I was wrong just give me sometime to tell her the truth. " I said begging.

"The times up. I'm gonna tell her everything. Whatever you did to her just because of that bitch Chiara. " She said sounding disgusting.

"Watch your tongue." I said angrily.

"Oh my god. You still get angry when someone bad mouths her. Times never change do they? " She said laughing on the other end.

"Before the call I was thinking of giving you one last chance to come clean but now I think you don't deserve it. You deserve to rot in hell with that bitch. I hope you enjoy your stay with her." She said and hung up. I threw the phone which hit the wall and broke into pieces.

It's done. I couldn't do anything.

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