Chapter 1

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She doesn't know that she is not the shadow of someone. She is the light that shines brightly making everything shine with her presence.

1 year later.
"Good afternoon class," I said entering the classroom. Placing my books on the desk. I turned towards the board to write "History". Turning around I addressed the class.
"Let's have a quiz today."
I could hear the groaning of the kids.
"Miss you didn't inform us". Clara said. She was a bright student but sometimes she irritates me a lot.
"Yeah, but you should be prepared since you have your exams next week. Don't you think?" I replied. I could see them staring daggers at me. If looks could kill. I'll be six feet under.

After completing the quiz I started gathering their papers. If you're curious let me tell you. I even teach at the university. It's a fast forward promotion. But I got this job because of my good friend. Yeah, there are still people who want to help me.
"See you in the next class". I said gathering my stuff. Thank God this was the last class of the day. I'm tired a lot these days. I'm not getting much sleep. With mom being sick I have to do most of the work. I still live with my parents. I don't wanna waste my money renting a room since the money could be used for another thing. My brother lives with his friend since he travels a lot he moved out a year ago. It's just me and my parents.
I gathered my stuff and head towards the teacher's lounge.
"I'm done for the day. I'm heading out. " I said to my friend. My one and only friend in this university. Bridget. She teaches English.
"Yeah. I have one more class. See you tomorrow" she said not lifting her eyes from her mobile.
"Yeah. Later." I headed towards the bus stop in time for the bus to arrive. I entered inside and sat on the seat at the very back. The last year went by quickly. It was the worst year of my life. I never thought things would turn out worst. After the spring festival. No, they started before the spring festival. The day she entered my house.

1 year ago.
I got a call from yuri in the morning. Today we are going to start preparing for the festival. The festival was a simple gathering in our community. People get together for 5 days. The festival is quite famous. People from different cities' visit as well. It's not grand but it's something we enjoy. There are even sellers who come to set up their stalls and sell things. This year it is the 20th spring festival so we have to make it more amazing. We will have to work harder. I have started helping since the last year. This was the second time I participated. I actually don't want to involve but I cannot decline anyone who asks for help. I completed my work and headed downstairs.
Mom was serving food. Dad and my brother Damien were already seated.
"Mom after dinner I'll head out for the preparations. Don't wait for me I'll be late. " I said not wanting her to stay up. I know she is stubborn she'll still wait.
"So you're helping this year as well. Why do you do this? It's not like they'll give you an award."
Dad said.
"Yes. And I'm not doing this for any reward I just can't say no to anyone. " I replied not in a mood to argue on the same topic again and again.
" I know dear. But I don't want you to do everything. They always back out. It's you who's left at the end of all this to cover their mishaps and in the process, you exhaust yourself to the brink of getting ill." He was right but I can not help it.
" I heard Rene is participating as well this year." Mom said trying to change the topic.
"Because her mother is the new accountant of the community."
My father said as a matter of fact.
Wait I was unaware of this. So this is why she abruptly wanna help. So this is the reason yuri asked her.
"Don't go. She'll just make you feel inferior and dump all her work on you. " this was my brother. He was looking at his phone. But I should have known that he always is attentive.
"I already agreed, sorry " I replied. He was 2 years younger than me but he acts like I'm younger. He has always been protective but he hates to show it. He never gets involved in the community. He thinks these people are manipulators. I agree.
"I'll head ou,t" I said finishing my dinner and heading for the door. I grabbed my earphones and plugged it into my phone and started listening to my favorite playlist. The meeting is being conducted at the community hall which is at five minutes' distance. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see none other than Rene. She was in a purple knee-length dress. Her hair was pulled in a ponytail. But still, she looked way better than me who was in sweatpants and a hoodie. I removed my earbuds.
"Let's go together," she said.
"Yes. " I said turning and walking towards the hall.
"Have you had dinner?" She asked trying to make light conversation.
"Yup. You?" I asked. I was definitely not in the mood to converse but we never get what we want right?
"Yeah. So what do you guys do in these meetings? " she was curious. She never attended any meeting so it's true that she might feel out of her element here.
"We just throw our ideas and opinions. Then Victor's older brother who is the youngest member of the community and also our leader accepts the best idea and we start from there. "
I explained to her.
"Ohh I know him Matt right?"
"Yeah" I confirmed.
"So this is how it goes,s," she said more to herself than me.
We reached the community center. It's just a big open area where we conduct small functions.
" Hey," I said to no one in particular. I could see yuri sitting with Chris and victor. Victor never gets involved in these things. The same goes for Chris. Diana was sitting with Lexi and Stacy. The three musketeers.
"Hey. What took you so long? " Diana asked. She and I were polar opposites. We only see each other once a year at the spring festival. But we work great together. She is yuri's sister. They share the same skin color. They seem twins at times but she is older. Older than me as well.
"I was having dinner," I said
"Hey Rene " as soon as Diana said this all guys turned their heads towards us. More precisely towards Rene.
"Hi. " she was shy for some reason.
"Yuri told me you were helping this year. We're glad to have the extra manpower." Yeah right as if you guys actually work.
"Yeah thanks for inviting me." Always polite.
"Hey, Rene right? " it was Chris.
"Yeah. Nice to meet you, Chris," she said extending her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine," he said kissing her hand. Am I dreaming? She giggled at his gesture.
"Stop flirting with her Chris." She said slapping him on the head. This was Stacy. She is the quiet one. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a nice figure. The perfect Barbie incarnation.
"Let's get started," Matt said entering.
We all gathered around to sit on the few chairs available. I sat on the chair farthest from them. Everyone took their seats except one. Rene. Since there were no more chairs.
"You sit here. I'll grab a chair from the storage room" Victor said getting up from his seat.
Victor was the golden boy in the community. Born with a golden spoon. Blonde hair, green eyes 6'1, with a body perfected in the gym. He was every girl's dream boy. But he was a player nonetheless. His parents were the richest people in the community. He speaks to me occasionally.
"Thank you," she said giving him a smile.
"My pleasure." He said turning towards the storage room.
A few minutes later victor came with the chair and placed it beside Rene. Chris was on her left with Victor on her right. Are they trying to impress her?
I stared at Chris. He has a bubbly personality. He is friendly with everyone. Yeah, I have a crush on him since last year. He can make anyone laugh. He is good looking like a victor. With Auburn hair, brown eyes, 5'9 he is shorter than yuri and victor. I don't know how it started but I can't stop thinking about him.
"So do you guys have any ideas?" Matt asked. He was a carbon copy of victor. They are the carbon copy of their father. They sometimes look, twins. But matt is 5 years older than the victor. He's also married with 2 kids. He's good looking as well.
"I think we should.... " so it started. Throughout the meeting, I could see Chris staring at Rene. Victor was doing the same. Yuri was the only one paying attention. The girls were listening and giving ideas. Whereas I was having my heartbroken.
The meeting ended quite late.
"See you guys tomorrow," Matt said getting up and heading out. I followed him as well.
"Hey, Rene. It's getting late ill give you a ride. " Chris offered.
"No thanks I stay nearby." She politely declined
"I insist. I don't wanna worry about you," he said.
I could hear it all. I had my back towards them waiting for Rene.
"Okay then. Faith let's go."
"Faith is also coming?" He asked
"Yeah, she stays opposite to me," Rene said. It was obvious that Chris didn't know where I stay. I guess I'm invisible even to the cheerful of us all.
What a shame?
"Yeah. Faith let's go." He said heading towards our house us following him. Rene started walking beside him.
"So Rene tell me about yourself," Chris asked.
I tuned out their conversation since Rene was telling all about her achievements, future, and her current status. Which is single. Two years ago Rene shifted to her grannies place to complete her high school. She came back last year. But she was a different person when she came. Before she used to be a shy and very simple person a total nerd like me but when she came back. It's was like someone else altogether. She was more mature than before more beautiful, friendly and she dresses differently as well.
Which is the true Rene?
We came to a stop outside my house.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Good Night." I turned around and headed inside. Not waiting for their response. U was just a third wheel. I ran to my room and ran towards the window. They were still there talking, laughing. A few minutes Rene entered her house. Chris turned to walk in the opposite direction. I could see the smile on his face.
I turned around.
"You should tell him how you feel?" I heard from my brother.
"Stupid I could have had a heart attack," I said switching on the light
"What are you doing here? " he was lying on my bed his cell phone in his hand.
"Waiting for you duh. Mom told me not to sleep before you come," he said like I was dumb.
"You can go now."
"When are you going to tell him?"
"What are you talking about? " I was being ignorant. He was my brother he knows everything about me.
"Chris. Tell him so that he can reject you and you can move on to someone else. Its been a year. "
He stated the obvious.
"I can't. Don't wanna ruin the friendship" I said.
"There is no friendship between you guys. He's a player. Stop having a crush on these type of guys. They'll just break your heart." He was right but one cannot help it.
"He won't break my heart because I won't tell him," I stated
I don't have the guts.
"Your wish but go ahead and tell him. It'll make you feel better rather than getting jealous of Rene. But I can understand him she's kinda cute. " he said jokingly. I threw a pillow at him
"Get out, " I said pushing him
"I'm going. Don't wanna sleep in your stinky bed."
"My bed does not stink" I shouted after him.
"Think about what I said. Good night" he closed the door behind him.
Maybe he is right. I should confess and get over this stupid crush. I'll do it at the end of the spring festival.

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