Chapter 13

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I was standing near the window to see the fiasco going outside. What I saw made my blood boil.
Edna was standing and with her stood Mrs. Clark. Renee's mom and she was pointing at my house saying something to Edna. I'm sure she is telling her about my kidnapping. How do they know each other? They were even laughing.  I wanna know what they are talking. It's not good to eavesdrop on someone. I shifted from the window and went to sit on my desk chair. Now I'm definitely sure that my mom will get a call from Edna telling her that she doesn't mean whatever she meant about me meeting her son. It was a fail deal with mom. Nevertheless I can get her to leave me alone. She is my mom but sometimes it's very challenging to hear her. She behaves like a kid and even throws temper tantrums. How my father tolerates her ? I pity that poor old man.  I felt my phone vibrate. I removed to see there were some messages. I opened the first one.

'Get ready by 7. I'll pick you up for the dinner' Was he ordering me? This dude.

'I'm not free today' I replied

'When will you be free?' 

'For you never'

'I spoke to my mom and she spoke to urs and I got to know that u agreed for having dinner with me'   He's a mammas boy for sure. 

'I did. But u don't need to worry about that since it will be cancelled when ur mom gets home'

'Why?' He replies quickly. I guess he's quite free. They are rich from what I can see. What if he's a spoiled rich brat? I hate rich people.

'U will know.' I said this and silenced my phone since I have to study for my upcoming exams. Yeah I still study I want a PHD.

For the next few hours I concentrated on my studies. I didn't even see the time. My mom even came to ask m to join them for dinner but I was so engrossed that I didn't want to break the link. The next time I saw the time it was 2 am. I studied for 12 hours. I 've been studying since 2 in the afternoon. I stood up and cracked all my swollen muscles. Yeah I've been sore all over. I felt my stomach grumble. I went downstairs and opened the fridge. Mom had made something nice today . I heat the food and sat there eating it. After having my fill I washed the dishes and went upstairs. I went to sleep after that. The next day also went the same way. My weekends go with mostly me studying all day. The next day was Monday so I got up early and got ready to school. I haven't even seen my cellphone since Saturday afternoon. As I was sitting in the bus I checked my phone. There were missed calls 20 in total. Who was so desperate to call me? It was an unknown number but I know it's Angel. What's his problem? Why was he calling me again and again? Didn't his mom cancelled this already? I haven't spoke to mom since I was busy with studies and she also refrains from disturbing me during my study time.  There were messages as well. 

There's was no message after that. The other message came after 2 hours.

'My mom didn't say anything'

'Why aren't u replying'

'Where re u?'

"U said yes for the dinner u can't back out now'  How does he know I said yes ? My mom cannot keep her mouth shut 


There were no other messages. Why was he calling than? Shit. I cannot even back out now. Why didn't his mother change her mind? I'm sure Renee's mom must have fed Edna some bullshit. All the people here do the same thing. My parents even heard that but they still find some good in this evil people. I don't know what that good is. They even whisper when ever my parents go to buy things. They still do. But they don't care that much it's that what they say to me at least. They know that I was kidnapped but I told them the same story I fed the cops they believed it. Only my brother knows. Prescott have some idea about this but not more that that. I have a feeling that my brother explained him some of the things. So now I will have to go to this dinner date and after that this marriage thing will be out of my head for ever and ever . I can live my life without them constantly bickering about how I should get married. I guess this wasn't that bad of a deal.
I decided to message Angel and tell him the detail of our meeting. I'll meet him as soon as I can but its not gonna be that way since I have some to attend some exhibitions at school and by the time I'll leave it will be very late. I won't be able to meet him till next month. God. I decide to message him since he even called me multiple times.

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