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"I can't wait until this goddamn seminar is over. I don't understand why we even have to attend a seminar. I'm a fashion major, damnit." The young woman hissed as she stuffed her duffel bag with the rest of her belongings that were scattered across the hotel room.

Nichole chuckled lowly as she toyed with her car keys. Her closest friend and dorm roommate, Lexi, continued to bicker as she picked up the rest of her toiletries from the hotel floor and stuffed them into her carry on before looking up at the tall woman who just continued to smirk.

"Are you done? I don't wanna be late and I want coffee. This hotel coffee sucks." Nichole scoffed as she crossed her arms. Lexi rolled her dark green eyes and nodded, grabbing her bag.

"With the way you drive how could we ever be late?"

"Oh fuck off."

Nichole walked into the coffee shop as she checked her watch for the time. It was after three and the seminar didn't start until three thirty. She knew she had time to eat something and she was grateful considering she hadn't eaten since the night before. Her stomach growled and caused discomfort, making her moan lowly. She prayed that the bistro she walked into wasn't terrible. She wasn't familiar with Boston at all, only being here for the seminar called 'How To Be You; A Guide to Success in the Industry.' She had to write an essay about it for her professor in the fashion program she was in.

Nichole attended The Fashion Institute of Technology, being at the top of her class in the program she was accepted to. She was always focused on school, even when things got hard at home. She was from Louisiana originally, being born to her mother Marie Ann and her father Patrick. They were young when they had Nichole, still being in high school when Marie Ann got pregnant. She was fifteen and Patrick being twenty. It was hard for them, both of them dropping out when they got kicked out from their parents home. Patrick worked at a factory a few hours away while Marie Ann stayed home. He would send her money every other day but one day just stopped, leaving her to fend for herself with a three year old.

They never heard from him again, her mom spiraling day by day, month by month until she finally learned that he had died in a factory accident, and the notice of his death got rerouted by mistake during the mailing process. Marie Ann lost it, starting to drink and smoke to cope with the loss of her husband, leaving Nichole to fend for herself.

Overtime, it became worse and when Nichole was fresh out of middle school, hurricane Katrina hit. It devastated her and her entire hometown, having to move in with their aunt in North Carolina, who ended up moving back to New Orleans a few years later. In junior year of high school, Marie Ann was caught by her sister Dolores doing coke, causing her to call cps and had Nichole picked up by the social workers from school.

She was put into foster care ever since, being lucky enough to be adopted by a nice couple who lived outside of Louisiana. Leslie and Bailey were a nice couple, in their late thirties when they had adopted Nichole. They were both professors, Mrs. O'Connor being a physics professor, while Mr O'Connor was an English professor.

As she stood in line, she decided to check her schedule for the upcoming week. Knowing that she will be touching down in New York Sunday night, she wanted to give herself extra time to prepare for the busy week ahead. She had class for the first three days of the week, and then she had work for the rest of the four days remaining.

"Next in line!" The barista shouted, breaking Nichole from her thoughts. As she walked upward, a man stepped in front of her and she scoffed.

"Excuse me, I was here first." Nichole stated sternly as she looked up at the man. He ignored her, continuing to place his order and Nichole sucked her teeth, mumbling something in French.

"I believe the young woman was here before you."

Nichole looked up and felt her throat go dry as the largest, most seductive pair of brown eyes looked down at her through their lashes. The woman was tall as she stood in a pair of blue jeans that were stained with paint, the rips in them exposing her tan knee caps. Nichole's eyes traveled up toward the woman's chest, her t-shirt having a v-shaped rip on the cleavage, exposing her freckled chest to Nichole.

The woman smiled at Nichole, before glaring up at the man who continued to ignore them. The woman rolled her eyes before looking over at Nichole who just continued to stare in awe.

"How about I buy your coffee to make up for this mans insolence?"

The woman's voice ran sparks through Nichole's body, Nichole's lips parted slightly as she nodded, still admiring the beautiful woman that stood next to her.

"I-um..yes. Thank you!" Nichole sputtered quickly, her face turning a bright red color. The woman continued to smirk, staring down at Nichole as she stared back with wide eyes.

"Next!" The barista shouted, causing Nichole to jump, making the woman chuckle as she walked toward the barista. Nichole walked next to her in silence, standing next to the tall woman as she started to order their drinks.

"I'll take a cold brew with no milk and sweetener. No milk." Her voice was strong and confident, as if she knew she was as intimidating as she seemed. It made Nichole's breathing speed up and her palms sweat.

"Is that all?" The barista asked dreadfully, as if she didn't want to be at work. The woman looked over at Nichole, causing her to swallow hard.

"And you, sunshine?" The woman asked swiftly, as if it was a regular thing to say. Nichole blushed hard as the woman smirked at her again and she let out a breath.

"I'll take a regular coffee, black with three sugars." Nichole breathed.




Both of them looked at each other at the same time and the woman chuckled while Nichole looked down in embarrassment. Jasmine walked toward her and swiftly lifted her head up as the palm of her hand cupped her chin, holding her face as her thumb caressed her cheek.

"Keep your head up." Jasmine stated subtly. Nichole looked at her with a small smile, the warmth of her hand radiating from her face down to her stomach. She wanted to moan from her touch, nearly sinking in and causing a scene right there.

They both stood next to each other in silence as they waited for their drinks. Nichole was deep in thought, thinking about the warmth of the woman's hand on her cheek. She wanted to melt into a puddle.

Jasmine watched Nichole from the corner of her eye, swallowing harshly as she felt the desire bubble in the pit of her stomach for the young blonde woman.

So beautiful.. were her thoughts as she continued to stare.

"Jasmine! Nichole!" The barista shouted, breaking them both from their trance. They walked over and grabbed their drinks.

"Stay with me." Jasmine demanded softly. Nichole smiled, her eyes fluttering as she stopped herself from saying yes.

"I would, but I have somewhere to be in a few minutes. Thank you for the coffee." Nichole breathed, shooting her a sheepish smile. Jasmine nodded, feeling as if a pedal fell from a rose inside of her as Nichole declined her offer. She wanted to get to know the sweet, blue-eyed woman with the long blonde hair that touched her thighs.

She wanted to get to know her in more ways than one.

She will be mine. I will make her mine.

"Anytime, sunshine. See you around."

Leave comments pls! Let me know what you think so far ! I forgot to make a disclaimer chapter so this will be the disclaimer;

This book is going to be disgusting. I'm warning you now. I do not want to see comments of people complaining about the content because I leave warnings all the time. This book will consist of BDSM, CNC, OVERPOWERING, DEGRADING, BLOOD, KNIFE-PLAY, EXHIBITIONISM, S&M AND MORE. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE, DO NOT READ.

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