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Nichole in the MM.


"Where is she?!" Nichole asked as soon as she got off the private jet, looking around the prison yard frantically. Captain Nash grabbed Nichole's hand causing her to look up at him with tears in her eyes.

"She's in the truck but be careful..I didn't know she could get that violent. He mentioned someone named Geo and next thing I know she's covered in his blood. She bit his fucking nose off, Nichole." He whispered. Nichole swallowed hard, the tears streaming down her face.

"Geo was her childhood abuser. He tortured her when she was a child..he must've worked for him." Nichole breathed. Captain sighed and ran a hand through his thinning grey hair before looking at Nichole with sad eyes.

"I don't think she should-"

"Don't. Don't take her off the case now. She'll go fucking crazy. Yes, Angelica can get violent but only within reason. He triggered her. It's why she called me. I'm the one who can calm her down because I know the story behind it."

Captain nodded and smiled slightly at Nichole before stepping to the side. Nichole ran over to the truck and opened it slowly, watching as Angelica sat in fetal position, rocking back and forth causing her head to hit the wall repeatedly. She was mumbling to herself, the tears streaming down her blood covered face.

"She's been like this since she called you. Everytime one of us even go near her she takes out her gun and aims it at us, telling us to stay back and that she can't take anymore. What the hell did this man do to her?" Captain asked quietly. Nichole shook her head, swallowing the sob that threatened to rip from her chest.

"Enough to know that this isn't her right now." Nichole breathed before stepping into the truck and shutting the door.

"'s's Nichole.." Nichole whispered as she dropped to her knees and slowly crawled toward Angelica who watched her with fearful brown eyes.

"I don't want to get hurt anymore.." Angelica sobbed, slamming her gun onto the side of her head as she cried her eyes out. Nichole slowly removed the gun from Angelica's hands and turned the safety on before pushing it to the side and pulling her into her arms. Angelica sobbed loudly into Nichole's chest, her sobs turning into screams as she clung to her wife. Nichole cried with her, both of them holding each other for hours with no interruptions.

Angelica was fast asleep on Nichole's chest as she continued to rock them back and forth, singing a soft tune in her lovers ears as she snored softly into her chest. She knew Angelica was probably exhausted and needed some deep rest.

The same rest they had when they lost the baby.

"Spain, baby..we're gonna go to Spain.." Nichole whispered with a smile on her face as she remembered the promise Angelica made that night they spotted the Monsignor at the fundraiser.

"You okay?" Nichole asked as she slowly crawled onto the hotel bed. Angelica stirred before opening her eyes to see nichole staring down at her. She nodded slowly and Nichole smiled as she caressed her cheek.

"Nichole I-I have to-"

"Sh, sh. It's okay, princess. You don't have to go anywhere."

Angelica shook her head rapidly as the tears started to stream down her face again. She stood from the bed and pulled on her sweats before grabbing her holster and wrapping it around her waist.

"You don't understand. I have to go back. How long was I out?"

"It's been three days, Angelica."

"What?!" Angelica yelled, causing Nichole to jump slightly. Angelica pulled her shirt over her head and grabbed her car keys.

"If you have to come with me, then fine. But Nichole we have to go back. I have to work. Rebecca-"

"Rebecca what?" Nichole asked suddenly as her heart started to beat in her ears. She has yet to know what happened to her and every night she prayed that she was okay.

"He took her. He took Rebecca. He made her her wife."

Nichole suddenly felt dizzy, the sound of her blood flowing filling her ears as she started to hyperventilate.


"We have to go, Nichole. Come on! Please!"

"So they're in Miami right now? Fuck!" Angelica hissed as she stared at the computer. She was tracking the carpenters phone, it showing they were in Florida.

"Yes, but we have eyes on them. There's been a man following them so I suggest we head down there."

"No. Something is telling me we stay here." Nichole breathed suddenly as she wrapped herself in Angelica's jacket. Everyone looked over at her, including Angelica who nodded for her wife to continue speaking.


"Delores told me that Rebecca had a tendency to come back. When she first left, she visited at least once a month. I say we wait and see. Give it a month or so."

"I agree." Angelica breathed, causing Captain to run a hand down his face. He looked between the two wives and sighed before smirking lowly.

"Are you only agreeing with her because she's your wife?"

That caused both Nichole and Angelica to scoff before glaring at Captain Nash who just raised his hands in defense. He wanted nothing more than this case to end once and for all. He wanted to go home to his wife and kids and cry but no one else knew that. He was genuinely terrified of Angelica. He's never seen her act so violent before.

"I'm positive she will come back. I just feel it. Angelica and I can stay back."

"What, you think you're apart of the squad now?" Captain chuckled sarcastically causing Angelica to stand in her wife's defense.

"All due respect Captain, I'm not sure where this sudden doubt and attitude toward my wife is coming from but I suggest you stop and listen to her. She knows what she's talking about and that's her sister! Just listen to her." Angelica hissed.

Captain sighed and ran another hand down his face before nodding and looking around.

"Lopez stays back with Johnson and Castro. Everyone else, gear up. We're headed to Florida. And if anything goes wrong Angelica, that's on you. Understood?"

"Loud and clear."

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