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Here we go..


"I'm home.." Angelica sighed as she shut the door. She was finally back from her New Orleans trip, it being unsuccessful. All their witnesses refused to answer any questions, leaving them at a dead end yet again.

She was gone for a month, when it was supposed to only be a few days. She wanted nothing more than to kiss on Nichole and make love to her. She wanted to apologize for all of her shitty behavior.

"Nic? Baby?" Angelica called out.

She walked upstairs to their bedroom and opened it to see it was empty. She furrowed her brows as she looked around, the panic starting to build in her chest as she saw that she wasn't here.

" no.." Angelica cried quietly as she opened Nichole's drawers and saw they were empty. The closet was empty except for the stuff Angelica bought her wife and she fell to her knees.

"You've gotta come home. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but please baby give me another chance. I'll quit. I'll fucking quit. Please.." Angelica cried into the phone for the fiftieth time. She's been leaving countless voicemails, still laying in the same spot on the ground.

Nichole stared at her phone as it rang. She looked up at the house before sighing and looking down at the phone again. She drove off, finding the nearest hotel room and immediately slumping onto the bed.

She knew Angelica was going to go crazy, but she was tired of waiting. She felt like shit knowing that all she was doing was working. But she felt neglected.

As if she wasn't a priority anymore.

The tears streamed down her face as she listened to the countless voice mails of her wife screaming and crying into the phone. She begged for her to come home and her heart cried to go back, but she knew she shouldn't.

The case was more important.

Weeks passed, both women growing more and more miserable without each other. Nichole went to work, just to go back to the hotel room and lay in silence as she mourned for her wife. Angelica worked non-stop, staying in the office until her boss kicked her out.

She was now home, typing away on her computer as she finished her third bottle of wine. Something she preferred over food. It helped fill the void that Nichole filled with her presence alone.

Now she didn't have that.

"Who is Natalia?" Angelica whispered as she scrolled through the Monsignor's contact list that they managed to update. They've been keeping track of his calls, noticing one particular number that wasn't a burner cell.

"Natalia...carpenter...Louisiana...oh shit..oh shit this is a lead! Finally! Nichole-" She stopped in her tracks as she realized Nichole wasn't around and the tears started to well in her eyes.

"Shit." She sniffed, opening the desk drawer and staring at the yellow envelope filled with divorce papers that Nichole left on her desk the day she came back from Louisiana.

After calling her boss and explaining the lead she found, she was now outside staring at the fire that she lit on the porch. She watched as it burned, the yellow envelope melting into the flames as she took a large swing from her wine bottle.

Her phone rang and she looked over, her eyes widening as Nichole's contact picture popped up.

"Hello? Baby?"

"Ang, I need your help. It's Rebecca. She's missing."

Angelica watched as Nichole paced back in forth. She was in a pair of sweats and a tank top that was riding up slightly and exposing her stomach, causing Angelica to swallow hard.

"She said that she doesn't know where she is. She kicked her out like she meant to, except it was way after. Like a year or two after mama died. She was only eighteen, Angelica." Nichole sniffed, the tears streaming down her face.

"Did she give you any information? What she was doing? Was she in school?"

"Ang, I don't know. All I know is Delores said she's been gone for the last two years. She doesn't know where she's at, all she knows is that she usually checks in and she stopped. Last she heard she was stripping out in the city-"

"The lips.." Angelica whispered before covering her mouth with her hand. Nichole looked at her in confusion and watched as her lover's tears streamed down her face.

"Shit. Okay, okay I can help. I think I know what happened to her, but please understand that it's going to take time-"

"Thank you." Nichole sobbed as she wrapped her arms around her wife, holding her to her body. Angelica slowly wrapped a reassuring arm around Nichole and rubbed her back.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself." Nichole stated suddenly as she pulled away, wiping her face. Angelica shrugged before picking at the loose string on her sweater.

"That's my fault. I know."

"No, Nichole. It's mine. All of it. I should've been there-"

"It's okay. You're here now, and you're always here when I need you. I've realized.." She sighed. Angelica walked over and grabbed Nichole's hand, looking deep into her eyes.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to find her. Please just give me time." Angelica breathed. Nichole swallowed hard before nodding, her eyes fluttering closed as Angelica kissed her forehead.

She missed her wife so much. She didn't know what she was thinking trying to leave her. She just wanted attention, but now understands that her being at work and coming home to her is better than not having her at all.

"Take me to dinner." Nichole stated suddenly. Angelica looked at her confused before swallowing hard.

"Are you sure? You're not obligated to do anything with me. I'm genuinely trying to help you-" Angelica was interrupted as Nichole placed a soft kiss on her lips while holding the side of her face. They both instantly melted into the kiss and Angelica sighed.

"Shut up and take me to dinner."

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