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Nichole in the MM.
UNEDITED. But when do I ever edit 😭

Nichole sighed as she continued to type on her computer, looking over at her roommate who was fast asleep in her bed. They were back in their dorm in New York City, Nichole's mind being filled with a particular face ever since her departure from the small town in Massachusetts.

As she typed her essay she couldn't help but sigh, thinking about the large brown eyes that she saw in the coffee shop earlier that weekend. She wanted nothing more than to hear the woman's voice again. To feel her hand on her skin.


Nichole couldn't help but smile at the thought of the woman's name. It fit her beautifully. It made her wonder what her last name was and if it was as beautiful as the first. She was so curious about the confident woman.

I should've gotten her number, Nichole thought to herself as she moaned lowly.

"Who has you all hot and bothered over there? You keep sighing and groaning." Lexi grumbled as she stretched. Nichole rolled her eyes and ripped her glasses off her face as she groaned and slapped her laptop shut.

"It doesn't matter. She's lost in the wind." Nichole sighed dramatically as she flopped down onto her back.

"Yeah because you're too pussy to ever get anyone's number."

"Fuck you, lex." Nichole grumbled as she rolled her eyes. Lexi yawned and stretched her arms before standing up and walking over to Nichole.

"I'm just being honest, Nic. You never hit on anyone. You're going on nineteen and you never even kissed anyone." Lexi huffed as she sat on the edge of her bed. Nichole groaned and covered her face.

"You don't have to remind me. It's embarrassing I know." Nichole sighed. Lexi chuckled lowly, causing Nichole to sit up in confusion.

"What's funny?" She asked. Lexi just chuckled again and shook her head, causing Nichole to grow annoyed. She hated when people do that. They would act a certain way and expect her not to question their behavior.

"Lexi I'm serious." Nichole huffed.

"I was just thinking how you wouldn't even know how to kiss anyone when the time comes." Lexi responded. Nichole furrowed her brows and shook her head abruptly.

"Not true. I def know how to kiss." Nichole scoffed, causing Lexi to giggle and shake her head.

"Yeah, right."

"I'm serious." Nichole whined lowly. Lexi looked over at Nichole and smirked.

"So then prove it."

Nichole looked at Lexi with wide eyes, completely shocked that she would suggest something like that. It was unlike her considering she had a boyfriend that she's been dating since high school.

"What?! Don't you have a boyfriend?" Nichole asked loudly, causing Lexi to jump. She looked at her for a second before laughing.

"So? It's just a kiss. Kiss me." Lexi breathed. Nichole swallowed hard, unsure of what to do. She started to play with her hands, something that she did when she was nervous. Her palms started to sweat and she felt her face starting to flush.

She never looked at Lexi that way at all. Lexi was pretty. She was tall with forest green eyes and dark brown hair. She had freckles sprawled across her nose and the beginning of her cheeks.

"Don't be nervous, honey. It's okay if you don't want to." Lexi uttered. Nichole gulped and shook her head.

"It's not that, it's just I don't know how to initiate it if that makes sense." Nichole muttered, looking down at her hands.

"Chin up sweetheart. It's okay. I can teach you." Lexi smiled as she straddled Nichole's waist. Nichole gasped lowly, nodding as Lexi pinned Nichole's hands above her head as she pressed her body against hers, both their nipples grazing against each other as Lexi started to kiss Nichole's jaw slightly, before pressing her lips against hers as she caressed her cheek.

Nichole's eyes fluttered closed and she moaned softly as the warmth of Lexi's lips radiated against hers. The contact felt good, but it didn't feel as intense as she imagined her first kiss to feel like.

Lexi pulled away from Nichole and smiled as Nichole's eyes fluttered open. She looked at her friend and stared at her for a second, before snorting.

"What? It wasn't good? I thought it was good." Lexi giggled. Nichole rolled her eyes in response, but looked over at her phone in confusion as it chimed loudly.

"Damn Nic, you have bootycalls? I thought I knew you better than that." Lexi joked as Nichole grabbed her phone.

"It's probably Auntie lores." She chuckled as she looked down at her phone. It wasn't her aunt, but rather just an Instagram notification causing her to roll her eyes.

"What did she say?" She heard Lexi ask from her far corner of the room, indicating that she had moved from her place on Nichole's bed. Nichole yawned and shook her head, moaning as she stretched her arms out.

"It was just Instagram. I'm tired though, so I think I'm going to sleep."

"Alright well, sweet dreams girl. Don't try and masturbate too loud tonight to our kiss." Lexi giggled, causing Nichole's face to flush red.

"Oh shut up, weirdo. Go to sleep."

"Alright, alright. Goodnight boo."

Nichole yawned again and laid her head on her pillow as she snuggled under the cool blankets. Her eyes fluttered closed, but she couldn't quite settle down as the familiar brunette filled her thoughts.

"Ugh." Nichole groaned lowly. Lexi started to snore and Nichole moaned lowly before grabbing her phone and deciding she wanted to read before bed. She looked at her notifications, her eyes bulging wide open as she read the Instagram direct message.

'It's Jasmine..before you ask, we have a mutual follower and I noticed.'

"Holy..shit.." Nichole gasped lowly at herself as she read the message over and over again. She wasn't sure how to answer and swallowed hard, nibbling on her bottom lip. She visited the account that was mutual, it being an old middle school friend she hadn't spoken to in quite some time. She noticed Jasmine's Instagram was quite popular, having thousands of followers and selfies.

"So fucking pretty." Nichole whispered as she caressed her phone screen slightly.

'Hey..good to see we have mutuals haha.'

"I'm pathetic." Nichole moaned as she sent the message. She stared for a second, watching as her message got seen and causing her to squeal and throw her phone across the bed, covering her face.

"Oh fuck. That was fast." Nichole hissed to herself before scrambling to grab her phone again and reading the message, a bright smile on her face as her cheeks heated up.

'It really is a great thing because now I can ask you for your number and hope to see that beautiful face once again. Let's make dinner plans, you're worth more than a black with three sugars.'

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