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Here we go 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 yall better leave comments. Yall so damn quiet it makes me nervous.


Part 3 of 3.

The lights were low and the sensual music bounced off the velvet burgundy walls as the two women walked in hand in hand. Nichole looked around in awe, thanking God that Angelica knew what she was doing. She was surprised they didn't ID her, but knew being with Angelica who was older had its perks.

"Behave yourself. You stay by me. Don't agree to anything without coming to me first, are we clear?" Angelica whispered before kissing the spot just below Nichole's ear causing her knees to nearly buckle.


"Who?" Angelica growled as she tightened her grip around Nichole. Nichole looked up at Angelica in shock, the woman's mask blocking emotions from her face. She's seen Angelica's dominant side but never like this.

She had a feeling she was getting into something new tonight.

"Yes daddy."

"Good. Would you like a drink?" Angelica asked as they walked over to the bar. The lights were dark, the large lava lamp causing the atmosphere to turn a dark red color. Naked women danced on the poles, their breasts and bare püssies causing Nichole to grow excited.

Holy shit.

"Yes, thank you."

Angelica ordered a bottle of wine and took Nichole's hand and guiding her to the booth in front of the naked strippers. She noticed it peaked Nichole's attention so she decided to test the waters.

"Here. Tip her." Angelica breathed as she handed Nichole a few hundred dollar bills. Nichole swallowed nervously and looked over at her lover who just nodded, before looking over at the stripper who had her eyes on Nichole.

Nichole slowly stood up and walked over to the stripper who bent down and smirked at Nichole with a drunken look filled with lust.

"Well aren't you a cutie?" The stripper chuckled seductively before popping her gum.

"You can't even see my face."

"I see enough.." The stripper grinned. Nichole smirked at her sarcastic remark and leaned against the table next to her slightly.

"What's your name?" Nichole asked playfully as she watched she stripper lick her lips.


"Oh is that so?" Nichole asked, shocking Angelica as she watched the interaction. She grinned as she stared at the woman she now considered her future wife as she sipped her drink.

She's going to be just fine..

"My name is Kandi." The red haired woman responded, causing Nichole to grin.

"That's a good girl. Here, just for you." Nichole breathed as she swiftly handed the stripper the bills, caressing her wrist and palm in the process before turning around and sashaying over to Angelica who was grinning widely.

"Wow..good for you." Angelica smirked. Nichole chuckled seductively as she sat on her lap before running a hand down her chest.

"I learned from the best." Nichole whispered before kissing Angelica's chest, causing her to moan.

"Not here. I have yet to show you the other side of the club." Angelica moaned as Nichole toyed with her nipples. Nichole watched as heads turned, including couples who were in their own lust filled bubbles in each corner of the club.

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