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This story will soon be coming to an end. It's been such a journey and this book came out so much better than I expected. Thank you all so much for your support. Blue eyes and black coffee will be published on Amazon by the end of the year.


Weeks and months have passed and the two wives were in bliss. They went to work just to come home to each other and make love under the moonlight after dinner. Everything was quiet and peaceful, both women in their blissful bubble.

"Do you have everything?" Nichole asked as she watched her wife remove her suitcase from the backseat. Angelica nodded and sighed, before looking at her watch.

"You better call me every minute. I don't care." Nichole pouted. Angelica was flying out to Louisiana to finally end the case with the Monsignor once and for all. After finding her lead, Angelica and her team continued to track the Monsignor, following his every move until he became dormant in his home state, New Orleans.

It was the perfect time.

"Of course baby. I love you. Thank you for trusting me."

"Just don't break it. I love you." Nichole whispered, their faces close. Angelica leaned in and pecked her wife's lips softly a few times, before squeezing her hand and walking off into the airport.

"Okay, so how are we doing this?" Angelica asked her captain, her entire squad staring at both of them as they stood in the center of their temporary hide-out. It's been a few days since she landed in Louisiana, being exhausted from the travel and immediately having tunnel-vision. She was ready to catch the son of a bitch that almost took her wife and stole many lives of young women who were trying to make their way.

"We wait. I have a feeling something is brewing. We got footage of his new wife. She's young. Very young."

"Fuck, bro. I just want to kick his teeth in." Angelica hissed.

"Not the time, Lopez. You'll get your time with him." Captain stated, causing Angelica to smirk slightly and nod. They spent the entire day in their hideout, watching mere footage they received from their cameras. The sun started to set, and Angelica watched through the window as she thought about her own personal sunshine that waited for her to be in her arms again.

Nichole stared at her phone, waiting for her wife to text back as she reminded herself she was just working and will get back to her soon. Her phone chimed and she grinned, reading the sweet message with heavy eyes.

Missing you so much, my sunshine. Daddy loves you very much. Make sure you get some sleep and drink water. I'll call you in the morning. x - daddy ❤️

Nichole grinned, before sending a tired selfie of her puckering her lips and texting goodnight. She fell asleep with the feeling of warmth in her heart knowing the love of her life would always come back to her.

"Lopez!" Angelica jumped and looked around as she rubbed her eyes, watching as her captain and the rest of her team geared up. She stood quickly and grabbed her gun, shaking the sleep from her head and let out a breath.

"What happened?"

"He was arrested last night under heinous charges. He's currently being transferred over to the county prison. We're on our way there now. Get ready, you're going in there first."

Angelica cracked her neck along with her knuckles before nodding and opening the truck door and hopping out. They all walked in, being scanned by the prison guards and scanning their ID's. Angelica sighed and walked over to the visitation room where the Monsignor sat in cuffs, his body covered in a blue jumpsuit. His eyes were tired and angry and it made her smirk.

"Wait..before you go in there I have something to tell you. But you need to stay calm, okay?" Her captain breathed as he placed a gentle hand on Angelica's shoulder causing her to furrow her brows.

He only ever did that when it was bad news.

"What?" She asked. Captain sighed and swallowed hard.

"Do you remember the missing persons file you placed on a Rebecca Mayeux? Your wife's sister?"

"Yes..why?" Angelica breathed as she felt her heartbeat start to speed up. He sighed and swallowed hard before pulling out the iPad and opening the footage they caught of the Monsignor's wife.

"His new wife-"

Angelica didn't give it a second thought as she kicked the metal door open despite her captains loud protests, immediately running in and grabbing the Monsignor by his jumpsuit as she glared up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Where is she?!" She yelled. He smirked before pushing her away from him with his sneaker covered foot, causing her to growl as her captain held her shoulders.

"Geo was have such pretty brown eyes.."

Angelica froze in her tracks, the memories of the abuse she went through swarming in her brain as the chilling voice of Geo Alexa haunted her thoughts. Her ears were suddenly ringing, nothing but the sound of her shallow breaths filling her ears before everything went black.

Such pretty brown eyes. Look up at me. Look UP! Look at the fùcking camera before I put you back in the basement and watch you rot in your own feces. He'll never find you, that stupid alien. Can't even speak English. Think he cares? Try again. Now look UP-

"Angelica.." Captain whimpered in shock as she suddenly gained consciousness, everyone staring at her as the Monsignor's blood dripped from her fists and her face. She spat out the cartilage she bit off from the now unconscious man's nose before wiping her mouth and slowly walking out of the prison.

She walked and walked, ignoring everyone's protests and not caring if the man was dead or not. With shaky, bloody hands, Angelica pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed her wife's numbers as the tears streamed down her face.

"Baby? You okay?"

"I need you. Please come."

Blue Eyes  & Black Coffee. (WomanxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now