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The four women walked off the plane in silence, taking in a deep breath as the start of their new lives stood in front of them. Rebecca and Natalia couldn't wait to go to the hospital
to see the babies. They were transferred before the women touched down in New York City just so they can settle and there weren't any complications. Nichole was so happy for them and couldn't wait to meet her niece and nephew.

Rome's been quiet since her encounter with Melanie. Nichole held her as she cried in the car on the way back to the hotel. She cried until she fell asleep on the woman's chest, Nichole just holding her as she tried to hold her own emotions back. The young woman in her arms was completely heart broken and she felt as if she couldn't do anything about it. Little did she know that Angelica handled it the way she knew best, walking out of the hotel with bloody knuckles and no one saying a word about it.

Angelica loaded the womens bags in the suburban as the other three made themselves comfortable for the ride to the condo. She watched as her wife interacted with Rome, Nichole attempting to make Rome laugh as she just stared up at her with a pained expression, a smile finally breaking across her face as Nichole did a funny gesture as she mumbled something to her. She knew her wife liked the young woman.

They were off to Nichole's condo, the ride being quiet except for the soft music that played from the radio. Rebecca slept on Natalia's chest, snoring softly as she held onto her lover for dear life. Natalia just watched as she slept, smiling softly at the view. She knew Rebecca needed all the rest she could get.

The drive came to a halt and Nichole looked over at Angelica who got out the car to unload the three women's bags as they continued to sleep. She hopped out of the car and walked over to Angelica, grabbing a bag despite her protest.

"How about we bring the bags inside then wake them up?" Angelica asked.

"Yeah, yeah."

Both women walked into the house in silence, Nichole sighing in relief as her heels clicked against her marble floors. She was so happy to be home and couldn't wait for the other women to get accustomed to her city lifestyle. She knew Rebecca would definitely need to adjust. New York City was nothing like Louisiana.

Nichole placed the suit cases down on the floor next to the area rug and looked over at Angelica who did the same before smoothing down her blouse. The two women looked between each other, soft smiles on their faces.

"Do you want me to stay before I go back to work?"

"I'd love that." Nichole responded quickly. Angelica blushed and nodded, tucking her hair in the back of her ear before walking toward her.

"I know you like her. I see a difference in you these last few weeks." Angelica stated. Nichole looked up at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Rome. I mean..she fits your type. Dark hair, blue eyes, Hispanic.." Angelica teased. Nichole rolled her eyes, her cheeks and ears heating up because she did feel something for Rome, she just wasn't sure what as yet.

"Is that a problem for you?" Nichole asked as she took a step closer. Angelica's eyes dropped down to her lips as she smirked.

"Why would it be?" She asked. Nichole smirked and leaned in, their lips barely touching.

"Because I know you'd want to join if it was to happen, anyway." Nichole whispered against her lips, grazing her tongue against them softly before pulling away and walking out of the house with a bounce, Angelica watching as she caressed her lips with her index finger.

This woman..

Nichole woke the three women up and explained to them that they were finally at the penthouse. Natalia carried Rebecca inside as she slept, her legs wrapped around her waist as her head laid on her shoulder while she sucked on her thumb. Rome walked in behind them, Nichole shutting the door and looking at the women with a smile on her face.

"Okay so.. you guys can decide what rooms and bathrooms you would like. Please make yourselves at home, I promise that you're okay here. Whatever you want, you can have. Anything." Nichole stated, her eyes melting into Romes and she stated that last sentence. They all nodded, Rebecca groaning as she stirred in Natalia's arms.

"Thank you sissy." Rebecca moaned sleepily with her eyes still closed before laying her head back on Natalia's shoulder. Nichole blushed, the tears threatening to fall as she felt touched by Rebecca's nickname for her. It's the first time she's acknowledged her as her sister since they met.

Nichole swallowed before nodding and walking off to her bedroom that was down the hall on the first floor, shutting the door quietly as she finally allowed the tears to stream down her face. She sobbed quietly, allowing herself to break.

"Oh my God.." She sobbed quietly as she covered her face with shaky hands. She tried to compose herself but couldn't, touching her stomach and gasping for air. She wanted nothing more than to be in Angelica's arms but knew she had to stay strong. She tried her best to gather herself but only had enough energy to get undressed and slowly lay down, her tears streaming down her face.

"She just needs a moment, but go ahead and get settled. The rooms that are available are upstairs, so pick wherever you're comfortable. We usually have dinner after sundown but if you're hungry now you can help yourself to the pantry that's down the hall on the left, as well as the fridge in the kitchen and in the basement." Angelica breathed.

"Pizza." Rebecca whimpered as she attempted to lift her eyelids. Natalia rubbed her back as she rocked back and forth with her and nodded.

"Can we get pizza?"

"That's perfectly fine with me. Nichole loves pizza so it won't be a problem." Angelica stated. Natalia smiled and nodded before carrying Rebecca upstairs. She was exhausted and all she wanted to do was sleep. She knew once the twins came home they'll be busy.

Angelica looked over at Rome who just stood awkwardly as she tried to avoid contact. Angelica walked over and took Rome's back as she laid a gentle hand on her waist, causing the young woman to jump slightly.

"Relax. No ones going to hurt you, babygirl." Angelica breathed as she walked over to the closet and pulled out a divider for the kitchen and the living room.

"How did you know I was gonna sleep-"

"I understand not being able to trust so quickly. The couch is large enough until you feel comfortable enough to choose a room. But understand that we're here for you." Angelica breathed before walking off and leaving Rome to stare at the ground deep in thought.

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