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I want comments...yall are so dry

This will be the last bit of smut for now.

TW; CNC, Penetration, anal penetration, slapping, spitting, choking, gagging, primal play;


"On your knees. You don't move." Angelica hissed as she stormed into the bedroom in the her underwear and leather mask that Nichole hadn't seen since the night they went to the club a year ago. Nichole gulped hard and gasped as Angelica grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the ground before sliding down next to her and pulling her legs from under her, causing her head to slam against the carpet aggressively.

"Ow.." Nichole whined, causing Angelica to laugh loudly.

"You should've thought about that before trying to test me."

"I did-"

"Shut the fuck up before I take your last fucking breath right in this room." Angelica growled darkly as she pointed in her face causing Nichole to whimper as she stared at her lover with fear. Angelica never spoke to her like that before, even during the times they were role playing.

It scared her because she knew she was serious.

Shit I really fucked up.

"You stupid fucking brat. I know you did that on purpose. You know how? Hm?" Angelica asked after tying Nichole's hands together and slamming them above her head.

"Because I know you. I know every move you make. I know you want to be fucked like the disgusting whore you are. Such a needy cumslut. Sit up!" Angelica yelled causing Nichole to jump and scurry to her knees, her hands tied with a black ribbon around her wrist. Angelica stood to her feet and stared down at her lover who looked up at her like a begging puppy. She resisted the urge to smile at the sight, knowing all her babygirl wanted was to be fucked to obedience.

She was going to do just that. She was afraid of pushing Nichole's boundaries, so for the last year she's been doing nothing but making love to Nichole and being a soft domme with her. She didn't even take her virginity, just using her mouth and fingers on the sweet woman almost every night. After taking Nichole to the club and realizing how exhausted she was after, Angelica didn't want to press it again. It spoiled her and Angelica knew this, waiting for the day to remind the little girl that she wasn't going to get away with any of her naughty behavior.

This was the day, and Angelica was excited. She's been stressed from work but kept it from Nichole, allowing it all to pile on.

Now was the time to unleash it. She knew for a while now that Nichole wanted this. She wanted her to initiate it in order to show Angelica that she was ready

Angelica stalked around Nichole, watching as her eyes followed her around making her smirk. The young woman looked terrified as she stared up at her masked lover, watching her every move so she could prepare herself for anything.

"Why should I be gentle?" Angelica asked harshly as her dark brown eyes burned into Nichole's ocean blue eyes. Nichole swallowed hard, afraid to answer.

She wasn't sure what to say.

"Aw, cat got your tongue?" Angelica pouted as her face became close with Nichole's, staring at her with wide amused eyes.

"N-mmm.." Nichole whimpered as Angelica caught her tongue in between her fingers with a wide smile on her face, pulling on it causing Nichole to moan in pain.

"Now it does.." Angelica whispered seductively before letting go of Nichole's tongue just to lick it with her own, sucking on the spot she pinched. The moan and whine Nichole let out ran sparks through Angelica's body. Her nipples hardened, a soft moan leaving her mouth as she continued to suck on Nichole's tongue before biting down on it softly.

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