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Nichole in the MM.


"Where the hell is she?" Nichole hissed as she paced back and forth in her dress. She looked at her phone and scoffed at the text message before rolling her eyes.

'I'm sorry I'm late. I should be there soon.'

It's been the same excuse for the last three weeks. After the night they cried together, Nichole woke up to a note saying that Angelica had a new assignment and that she had to leave early. She couldn't believe it, but brushed it off knowing she would come home later that day.

She didn't, sending meaningless text messages explaining that it was a heavy case that needed her attention. It was a sex trafficking case that's been plaguing the south and Midwest. She explained that it was a connection to the disappearance of young women and teenage girls in New York City.

Nichole understood and brushed it off, feeling for the young women's families who's daughters were taken. It made her think about aunt Delores and her teenage sister, wishing she could talk to her and spend time with her.

It's been a while since she heard from Aunt Delores, it being a few years. She wanted nothing more than to know if her little sister received the presents and money she'd send her. Every holiday, she'd send her a ton of presents and clothes but still wouldn't here back.

She knew her sister was at least eighteen by now, not even being sure about the time frame. She felt as if she was being lied to about everything. The first time she spoke on the phone with Rebecca, aunt Delores told her she was five but she sounded at least eight.

It made her question things.

The door handle jigged and Nichole glared at Angelica as the door swung open. Angelica walked in, unbuttoning her jacket and kicking off her shoes before shutting the door.

"So now I'll have to wait for you to get ready, right?" Nichole hissed. Angelica sighed and ran a hand down her face before looking up at her wife.

"Ten minutes. Please. I had a really long day and I'm sorry that I'm late, alright? Just give me ten minutes."

"Fine." Nichole huffed before plopping down on the couch and kicking off her heels. She started to scroll through her phone, Angelica walking over and kissing her wife on her forehead.

"You look beautiful." Angelica breathed, before walking away. Nichole rolled her eyes before mocking her wife quietly with red cheeks. She was in a peach ball gown with small sparkling diamonds coating the soft fabric. Her hair was in a French braid that wrapped around her head like a crown. Her makeup was light and elegant.

Angelica sighed as she stepped out of the shower and quickly brushed through her hair before looking down at the sink. She felt the tears build in her eyes but shook them away before doing her makeup and blow drying her hair into soft layers. She got dressed in a black tux and plum colored pumps that exposed her black painted toes. She grabbed her vest jacket and walked downstairs to see Nichole snoring softly on the couch.

Angelica sighed, feeling disappointed in herself before walking over and kneeling down, slipping Nichole's heels on her feet. Nichole shot up, before looking down to see her wife staring up at her with tired eyes.

"Come on. Cocktail hour's gonna start."

The banquet hall was filled with wealthy people mingling and chatting about what they thought was important. People were dressed in their most expensive attire, the gothic art being auctioned displayed in clear glass pedestals and frames.

Nichole and Angelica walked through the gallery, admiring all the different art that was up for sale. It varied from Vincent Van Gogh, to anonymous artists who created the most popular, erotic pieces with their names being unknown.

Nichole ran her fingers across the glass frame, tracing over the small faces and mountains that were painted on the canvas underneath it. She analyzed the photo, it being one of the most extravagant pieces she's seen yet.

Angelica just watched her, watching as her eyes trailed the painting as her fingers danced across the glass. She touched her waist and Nichole smiled up at her before taking her hand and walking over to the next painting.

"Wow.." Nichole gasped, her eyes wide in amazement as she analyzed the next painting. It was officially her favorite, it being a woman in pure ecstasy. She was naked, chained with her arms and legs spread wide completely. Her mouth was parted and her eyes were shut in pure bliss. Her body was marked with bruises and whip slashes.

It reminded her of the night Angelica first introduced Nichole to their lifestyle. She remembered all the scenes she witnessed that night and licked her lips, before swiftly looking over at her wife who was staring down at her.

"You like it?" Angelica asked softly. Nichole nodded and looked up at the painting again. Angelica clicked the buzzer in her hand and watched as two men walked over to the women and grinned.

"How much will we bid? Lowest is two hundred thousand."

"One million." Angelica stated swiftly, causing Nichole to gasp and cover her mouth while shaking her head.

"No, no that's too much Angelica. That's too muc-"

"Cash or check?" She asked, interrupting her wife as she grabbed her wallet. She knew no one would even try to pass that bid. She signed the check and handed it to the men who were just as baffled as Nichole who stared up at her wife.

"Angelica.." She whispered as she touched her chest. Angelica smiled and shook her head, before leaning down to whisper in her wife's ear.

"I'll put it above our bed so when you're writhing in ecstasy it'll be like a mirror, except you're ten times more beautiful."

Nichole gasped and looked up at her wife who pulled back and smiled before leaning in and pecking her lips softly.

"Let it make up for my absence. I'm trying, mami."

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