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Two years later..

"Baby, I think you need a break." Nichole breathed as she walked into Angelica's home office. She was typing aggressively on the computer, her eyes focused on the evidence file that she was reading through.

"I'll take a break when he's dead." Angelica hissed, causing Nichole to sigh. She walked over and placed a plate in front of her wife before kissing her shoulder.

"At least eat. Goat cheese and honey..you're favorite.." Nichole teased as she rubbed Angelica's shoulders. Angelica sighed, shrugging Nichole off before looking over at her.

"I need to finish before we head down to Louisiana. We've finally got a lead on him. I know I've been nothing but-"

"It's been two years, Angelica. Why can't you just..take a fùcking break?!" Nichole yelled suddenly. Angelica looked up at her wife in shock before scoffing and standing up.

"I need a break? Okay yeah, let me stop hunting down the most notorious sex offender of this generation because my wife wants to spend a little time with me. I'm sorry! Let me turn off my computer, hold on!" Angelica yelled before slamming her laptop shut.

Nichole glared up at Angelica with tears of embarrassment in her eyes. This is how it's been the last two years. Nothing but fights over spending time with each other and distance. Angelica wanted nothing more than to be with Nichole, but she knew this case was detrimental for everyone involved.

He was getting better at covering his tracks, every lead turning into a loss. She was becoming frustrated, spending days and nights glued to her desk or her computer trying to figure out a loophole.

What was more important than that?

"Wow. Whatever." Nichole spat before storming out of the office, leaving Angelica to groan in frustration before walking after her.

"What? Now you're mad at me?"

"Yeah! I am! Cause you're being a dick, Angelica! It's not my fault that I want to love on my wife and hug her. I miss you! I've been telling you this for the last two years. This case is a DEAD END!"

"Watch your fucking mouth!" Angelica screamed, her face turning red causing Nichole to scoff in shock.

"You don't know what the hell you're saying. I'm close to catching him and if you can't support me then the door is fucking open! I warned you about this case and how time consuming it was going to be. I thought you supported me!"

"I did until I realized how fùcking consuming it was for you! You're taking the case extremely personal! Can't you see that?! It's messing with not only our marriage but your mental health. You didn't even go this hard when we lost the baby!"

"Because I killed them! In front of you!"

"So is that what this is?! Some fucking bounty hunt?! Is he more important for you to catch than to save your marriage?!" Nichole argued back, before scoffing and running a hand across her mouth.

"What do you mean save our marriage? You want to leave me?" Angelica asked suddenly. Nichole stayed quiet as she stared down at the ground with a frown on her face.

"Nichole." Angelica stated, her voice wavering as her hands fell to her sides.

"I don't want to leave. But I'm starting to feel like I should. How long do u have to wait to have you back? Huh? Do you really think I want to leave you for no reason? Or is there something that's pushing me out the door that you're too fucking blinded to see?"

"Is there someone else?"

Nichole let out a rageful laugh before shaking her head.

"Are you fùcking serious? Have you been drinking or something? I literally just said that I want you back. Your JOB is taking you away from me more than I'm comfortable with. I nearly lost you once to it, I don't want to lose you again." She hissed.

"Please...please just..just give me til it's over. We're so close to a breakthrough."

"I've been hearing the same pleads for the last two years, Angelica. How long do I have to wait? Until I can kiss and touch you again without it being interrupted every single time?"

"Please. Please just give me til after Louisiana."

"Are you coming home yet? You told me last week." Nichole huffed into the phone. Angelica sighed and stared out of the hotel room as she watched the sun set.

"Yeah I keep getting pushed back. I'm sorr-"

"You know what, Ang? You're not. Enjoy your time, okay? I'll talk to you whenever you get here." Nichole hissed before hanging up the phone.

"Shit, bro." Angelica sobbed as she covered her face, before letting out a breath and standing up. She wanted nothing more than to be home with her wife. She left for Louisiana two weeks ago, trying her best to get home but it wasn't working.

They were so much closer to getting the answers they needed.

Angelica grabbed her badge and gun before walking downstairs and out of the hotel. She walked down the street, hearing the sounds of different screams and laughing filling the streets.

She walked into the strip club and went to the bar, immediately ordering a scotch. She downed one, which turned into a few as she watched the dancers swing around to the seductive music they were playing.

"You're new here."

Angelica turned around and saw a pair of honey brown eyes staring up at her. The woman's makeup was dark, her long locks falling down her body. She was thin, but had a bit of curve to her.

Angelica analyzed her face, trying to understand why the young woman looked so familiar.

Those lips..I know those lips..

"You being taken care of?" She asked. Angelica could tell the young woman was tired but was putting up a front. It made her smile, reminding her of Nichole and how stubborn she was.

"Yeah. Are you?" Angelica asked. The young woman furrowed her brows at Angelica before swallowing and rolling her eyes.

"I can take care of myself." She scoffed as she crossed her arms. Angelica smirked and pulled out a few bills before handing them to the young woman who stared at the pile of money in shock and confusion.

"You don't want anything? No head, nothing?" She asked lowly. Angelica shook her head as she lifted a hand, causing the young woman to flinch with a gasp. She slowly placed it on her cheek and caressed it, causing the woman to melt completely into her touch.

"You're young. How old are you?" Angelica asked quietly. The young woman's chin started to tremble and she swallowed hard.

"Please don't bust me. This is my only way of living right now. Please. I'm trying. Just...don't tell. I'll do anything you want."

"Are you at least eighteen?" Angelica asked. The woman nodded and Angelica sighed before letting go of her face.

"Thats at least five hundred right there. Get yourself a place to stay for the night and eat something. Take care of yourself, alright?" Angelica asked as she stood and threw cash before walking out, leaving the young woman with tear stained cheeks standing there with a grateful smile on her face.

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