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Angelica in the MM.


The sun spilled into the bedroom as the two women slept peacefully. Nichole and Angelica were wrapped in each other's arms, both of them snoring softly. Angelica's face was plastered in Nichole's neck while Nichole's head laid on her shoulder, drooling slightly from exhaustion.

Nichole stretched as she turned, but Angelica didn't let her move as she tightened her arms around her, groaning lowly.

"Don't move." Angelica moaned lowly. Nichole smirked and rolled her eyes before yawning.

"I have to pee."

"Pee in the bed."

Nichole snorted and covered her mouth as she giggled uncontrollably before shaking her head, causing Angelica to smirk.

"I bet you would like that, too."

"You know me so well." Angelica responded, before yawning and placing a soft kiss on the woman's shoulder.

"Mm..good morning." Nichole moaned as Angelica kissed her shoulder blades and collar bones.

"Good morning." Angelica hummed as she laid back down next to the woman as her hands ran up and down her chest.

"Are we going to have sex today?" Nichole asked suddenly, causing Angelica to chuckle as she rolled her eyes.

"We didn't have sex. I told you I'm not having sex with you yet."

"So what was it we did yesterday?" Nichole asked, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"That was foreplay for me. Trust me, you'll know when we have sex." Angelica stretched.

"That wasn't sex? What the hell.. I would've thought it was."

"Yeah well, that's not sex to me. You'll know when we have sex. That was foreplay."

"Well I can't even imagine what the sex will be like if that was just foreplay."

"Why are you so stuck on this?" Angelica asked as she sat up. Nichole whimpered and straddled her waist as she pouted.

"Because your head in between my legs is all I've been thinking about since I met you at the bistro."

Angelica smirked at the woman in shock, watching as her face turned red as she realized what she's done.

"Interesting. Well, be patient. We still have time." Angelica grinned as she kissed Nichole's forehead as she pouted before getting off the bed and going to the bathroom.

"Am I not sexy enough?" Nichole whined as she followed Angelica into the bathroom and pouting as she stood next to her as the older woman brushed her teeth. Angelica washed her mouth and before pulling Nichole to her and pecking her lips.

"You are very desirable. Just learn to behave, and you'll get what you want. Get dressed, we're going out for breakfast."

Nichole watched as Angelica walked out and tapped her chin with her finger before smirking and getting into the shower. After her shower, she got dressed in a white tube sun dress and blow dried her hair before pulling it up in a half ponytail. Her makeup was light and angelic and she slipped on her flats before walking into the kitchen to see Angelica in a silk brown sleeveless top and a pair of beige slacks, her feet sitting in red bottom heels. Her hair was in its natural curly state and her face was makeup free except for her mascara and lip gloss.

"Ready to go?" Angelica asked Nichole as she adjusted her watch on her wrist while looking up at her with large brown eyes, causing the younger woman to nearly melt into a puddle. Her desire for the older woman grew more and more intense the more she spent time with her.

My God..

The two women walked through London as they attempted to figure out what breakfast they wanted. Angelica decided they would spend the day in England, arranging their ride to the country in the private jet she rented for the two women. Nichole was in awe at the view of the city below them and Angelica watched in appeasement.

She wanted nothing more than for the young woman to enjoy herself. She wanted to show her the finer things in life because something deep inside of her said she deserved it.

She could tell the young woman has been through a lot before Lexi's death. It was an inclination that she had. She felt herself falling hard for the woman and she didn't want to stop herself.

She knew she had to explain her lifestyle to Nichole. Not only about work, but the lifestyle she lived in sexually. She didn't want to hide any part of herself from the young woman, but part of her was afraid of being rejected.

After all, she was one of a kind.

The two women walked into a roofless restaurant that was filled with plants and books. People chatted as they sipped their coffee and ate their breakfast, the soft mumbles and acoustic music in the background setting the tone for the two women.

They took a seat at a table just next a window that gave both of them a view of the horizon. The sun wasn't at its peak yet, it still being early in the morning. It was a beautiful sight to both women, the sky being a soft blue and white color as the clouds overlapped the hue that polluted the sky.

Angelica watched as the sun hit Nichole just enough to have her bright eyes shine as she stared out of the window. Her profile was highlighted, her sharp jaw line causing Angelica's mouth to become sticky with saliva as she craved a taste.

She desired the young woman just as much as Nichole desired her, but she knew it would be best to feel things through. She knew the young woman, no matter how tough her demeanor may be, was fragile and wanted nothing more than to help her grow.

The two women placed their order and resumed to sit in silence, Angelica caressing and playing with Nichole's hand, taking it and kissing her fingertips before kissing her palm. Nichole squeezed her legs together, her nipples hardening under her dress as Angelica repeated her actions with her other hand.

"If it were up to me...I'd have you for breakfast." Angelica stated suddenly before sipping her mimosa, watching as the blush crept up on Nichole's face and chest.

"Why do you always feel the need to catch me off guard?" Nichole chuckled as she blushed further, her eyes melting into the large brown ones that stared from across the table.

"It's fun to watch you squirm. It's nice to know I have full control over your body."

"You do not.." Nichole scoffed as she rolled her eyes before clearing her throat.

"Is that so?" Angelica asked as she smirked before clicking the button that sat in her pocket, Nichole gasping loudly in shock as her body jumped, causing people to look over. She quickly gained her composure, glaring at Angelica in shock.

"How the f-"

"I slipped it into your panties when we were kissing. You should really be more attentive." Angelica smirked as she watched Nichole squirm, her face flushed with arousal as she bit her lip, her legs trembling as she tried to hold it together. The vibrator pulsated against the woman's clit, causing her to clench her legs as she let out a low whimper.

"Oh, you're such a good girl. Hold it together and you'll be rewarded. Who's in control now?" Angelica whispered huskily as she leaned forward, her face directly in front of Nichole's who's eyes kept fluttering as she tried not to let them roll into the back of her head.

"Please.." Nichole whispered.

"How come? Hmm? Sweet girl, only the ones that behave get rewarded. Hold it together. Don't beg, it's not polite." Angelica mocked as she fake cooed, before smirking again and leaning closer.

"Stop acting up. The punishments will only get worse."

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