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Angelica in the MM.

TW; Dry humping, fondling over underwear.


The sun spilt through the curtains that covered the balcony door in the master bedroom. Blonde and brunette hair melted together as the two women laid sprawled out on the bed. Nichole moaned lowly as she opened her eyes, hissing at the sunlight as it caused a sharp pain to run through her head.

"Mm..fuck.." She whimpered as she sat up, looking around as she smoothed her hair down. She saw Angelica asleep next to her and she gasped, before covering her mouth.

All the memories from the previous night hit her. The emotions ran through her body, as she stared down at the FBI agent with tears in her eyes. She knew she had to call Lexi's family to make arrangements, and to go to campus.

But she also knew she needed to apologize for her behavior last night. She felt so ashamed of how she was throwing herself at the woman. She was being but nice by taking care of her.

Angelica groaned lowly before sitting up and yawning, but yelping as a hard slap slammed against her thigh.

"What the hell?!" Angelica yelled as she glared at Nichole. Nichole slapped her again and Angelica growled, grabbing her arms and pinning her below her. Nichole glared up at her as the tears streamed down her face.

"You took my virginity and I can't even remember!" Nichole shouted. She knew it wasn't true, she just wanted to provoke the woman to see what she would say because her memory was still fuzzy.

"Huh?! Bro, can you relax?! Besides, you were basically handing it to me on a silver fùcking platter. I didn't TOUCH you except kiss you and you asked me to."

"Oh." Nichole huffed, still glaring at nothing in particular as Angelica let go of her arms and sat against the headboard as she growled in frustration. She never thought this woman would have such a feisty side. She didn't know if she wanted to slap her or fuck her.

Both, maybe.

"That kiss..I remember.. I remember the cou- oh my god I masturbated in front of you.." Nichole groaned in embarrassment as she covered her face. Angelica snickered and rolled her eyes before touching the woman's thigh.

" came onto me and that's okay. I'm attracted to you too, but I would never force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"Okay. Kiss me again."

Angelica looked at the woman in shock and utter confusion. Her mood swings were driving her crazy and she was concerned.

"Why should I? You're actually concerning me right now."

"You want I'm giving it to you. This is me. This is my personality. If you don't like it, I can leave."

"You're crazy." Angelica chuckled. Nichole glared at her before straddling her and biting her shoulder aggressively, causing Angelica to hiss and slam the woman's body down on the bed and pinning her down. They both glared at each other, Angelica leaning down and pressing her lips against hers. Nichole's aggravation melted away as she moaned slightly against the woman's lips.

"I'm not..crazy.." Nichole moaned as they continued to kiss.

"Yes you are..such a crazy, frustrated and needy little girl who just needs someone to make her cum and feed her."

"I wasn't like this until I met you."

"Even better."

They continued to kiss, Nichole moaning loudly as Angelica pressed her knee against the outside of her panties, applying pressure against her clit.

"What's that? Feels good?"

Nichole nodded, her hands still pinned down by Angelica as she started to move the tip of her knee against the front of her panties. The young woman whimpered as she grinned against her, her purple panties growing wet.

Angelica looked down at Nichole and smirked.

"Virgin, huh?"


" seem like you want to cum so desperately. Why is that, hm?" Angelica asked as she kissed Nichole's neck. Nichole gasped, clinging to Angelica as she bit her neck and sucked in it, leaving a small bruise.

"Because of you." Nichole moaned. Angelica moaned in satisfaction at her words, before kissing down her chest and lifting her shirt, taking her nipple into her mouth.

"Oh.." Nichole moaned as she gripped Angelica's hair. Angelica sucked on her breasts for minutes, leaving the woman's legs shaking from neediness as she worshipped her chest. She sucked and kissed and bit her skin. The young woman was already on the verge of an orgasm, watching Angelica kiss down her naval before tracing the waistband of her panties with her tongue.

"You're so nasty.." Nichole moaned as she held Angelica's chin.

"Says the one who rubbed her cum covered fingers all over my mouth yesterday."

"I did what?" Nichole asked as she tried sitting up.

"Aht Aht- sh sh sh..don't move. It's okay.." Angelica breathed as she held Nichole's waist down onto the bed. Nichole whimpered before nodding, spreading her legs for the woman.

Angelica hummed, leaning in and allowing her nose to run up and down the front of her panties, inhaling the woman's sweet scent before sticking out her tongue and teasing the cloth covered bundle of nerves with the tip of it.

"Ah!" Nichole gasped at the contact, bucking her hips which caused Angelica to hold them
down even harder.

"Dont. Move."

Angelica took her thumb and started to rub the sweet girl's clit through her panties. Her legs shook as she moaned uncontrollably, biting her lip as she tried to contain her composure.

"Nah, baby. Don't stay quiet, now. What happened to the little vixen who wanted this, hm?"

"Ugh! Ang, baby.." Nichole gasped. Angelica smiled widely as she watched the front of Nichole's panties become dark with wetness, applying pressure and rubbing faster causing the woman to go crazy.

"I'm c-cumming!" Nichole gasped as she clenched the bedsheets with her nails, her legs trembling over Angelica's legs as she held them open and continue to tease the woman. She watched as her panties grew completely soaked with her cum, it dripping from inside of her panties and into the bed just under her sweet hole that Angelica couldn't wait to lick and suck on.

Angelica moaned at the sight, kissing the part of her panties that covered the woman's sticky, wet hole causing her to moan again.

"Such a good girl. I'm going to have fun with you."

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