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The two women continued to walk through the rest of the gallery hand in hand in a comfortable silence. The music in the background was soothing, but it changed to something more upbeat causing people to gather in the center to dance.

"May I?" Angelica asked as she started to pull Nichole to the center. Nichole smiled and nodded, her lips pressing against her wife's as they started to dance. They held each other close, body to body as they swayed back and forth.

"Who is this fundraiser for, anyway?" Nichole asked. Angelica sighed and twirled her wife before pulling her back to her chest. She wrapped an arm around her waist as the other held her forearm.

"We think the man behind the fundraiser is the same man behind the trafficking that's been going on. So me along with a few others on my team are here tonight. It's why we were the only ones not ID'ed at the door. The bouncer is apart of it." She whispered in her wife's ear.

Nichole frowned slightly as she looked up at Angelica who caressed her cheek.

"So this whole time I thought this was a night out for us..something we haven't done in a while..."

"It was supposed to be. You weren't supposed to know. But I do have something planned for us. I was keeping it a surprise."

"Like what?" Nichole asked, twisting around in her lovers arms again. Angelica smiled and leaned down before kissing the top of Nichole's head.

"Once this assignment is over..we're taking a long getaway to Spain. I'm talking years of me eating Spanish chocolate off your skin and kissing you on the beach.." She whispered, causing Nichole to giggle lowly.

"That sounds great. Will I be getting anything tonight? It's been a while.." Nichole stated. Angelica sighed, the guilt churning in her lower stomach.

"I know and I'm sorry. But tonight..may be the night I get to show you how much."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I must say you are both a gorgeous couple."

Both women turned to see a tall blonde woman smiling at Nichole widely. Angelica noticed immediately, squinting her eyes before looking around. Her fbi partner caught her vision and nodded slightly, before looking away.

"Thank you so much." Nichole grinned, gripping Angelica's hand.

"You're very welcome. Thank you for coming to the event. It's really wonderful that my husband loves to raise money for poverty ridden churches all across the country. We love and welcome everyone. You're a beautiful girl. What are you, around twenty? Your skin is gorgeous I must say." The woman grinned, her slightly country accent causing Nichole's ears to perk up.

"Why, thank you so much! I am in my twenties yes, but I like to keep a strict skin care routine with my wife over here. May I ask, are you from Louisiana? I recognize the accent." Nichole breathed as she smiled up at the woman. The older woman nodded, her eyes darting to Angelica's who glared up at her intensely causing her to laugh nervously.

"Well I sure am, but my husband and I travel a lot now. He's a Monsignor. You should come by our church if your wife here wouldn't mind. Whenever y'all wanna take a trip down to New Orleans, you can definitely come by. We have a lot of room for young women like you, especially ones that are eager for missionary work. You can stay as long as you'd like-"

"What'd you say your name was?" Angelica asked suddenly. The older woman smiled up at her and Angelica smiled back sheepishly.

"I'm Nancy. My husband is Monsignor DeMarco. You'll see his face everywhere. He's friends with the pope! We love taking girls in who don't have a home, and we teach them the word of God and transform their lives for the better. If you ever need that, we're here! But I must get going, feel free to reach out anytime." The woman scurried off leaving Nichole confused and Angelica skeptical.

"How about we head home? Hm?" Angelica asked. Nichole nodded, allowing her eyes to flutter close as Angelica kissed her cheek.

Nichole waited outside in front of the landscaping as she waited for Angelica to pull up from the parking lot. She wrapped her shawl around her shoulder as she trembled in the crisp air when she heard a twig snap, causing her to gasp.

"Waiting for your ride?" A deep voice asked as she heard a lighter click. She looked over at the man who stood in a black cloak and smoked a cigarette, exhaling into the air.

"No." Nichole lied, swallowing hard as he took a step forward.

"Are you alone?" He asked. Nichole shook her head and stepped away as he took another step toward, his deep blue eyes illuminating under the garden light.

"How about you come with me and I show you what she can't give you? Hm?" He asked.


"All this art work, all this money. It could be yours if you just come with me. What do you sa-"

"I suggest you back the fuck away before your teeth become my dinner." Angelica growled from behind the man as she pressed her gun to the back of his head.

The man looked at Nichole, before slowly turning around to face Angelica. Nichole was trembling, but not because she was cold. She knew there was something wrong with the man which is why she lied to him.

Thank God she did.

"I'll take you too. You'll both live in luxur-"

Angelica didn't give him another chance to speak as her fist connected with his face, causing the man to stumble slightly as blood dripped down his face and onto the floor.

He launched himself at Angelica but she moved slightly before tripping him causing him to fall to the ground. She flipped him around and started to slam her fists into his face, growling loudly with every punch.

Nichole watched with wide eyes as the woman she loved smashed the man's face into the pavement, leaving him unconscious on the ground. She was panting as her bloody hands shook, swallowing between gasps before looking up at Nichole who was staring back with low eyes.

"Let's go home."

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