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The sun was setting as the two women walked hand and hand in the street. Beautiful lights were hung up and the view set a euphoric vibe for the couple. Nichole walked in an olive green dress, her hair in curls that touched her shoulders and tan wedges. Angelica walked in her turtle neck and black pants with tan shoes and a hat on her head, her long hair flowing down her back.

They walked in silence, both of them deep in thought as they took in the scenery. They were both grateful as they realized how comfortable silences were with each other. There was no playful banter, just silence.

Nichole was silent most of the ride to town. Angelica asked her if she was okay and she was, just in shock from what happened in the shower. She never felt so handled and out of control before. It was a different feeling for her and it made her nervous around the older woman.

Angelica was afraid she had scared off Nichole from her actions. She felt as if she was too rough for the young woman, and felt bad. All Nichole wanted was for Angelica to touch her again, but she knew the young woman needed to learn patience. She felt as if she was trying to rush and Angelica wanted to show her that rushing wasn't necessary.

Even if it meant using the dildo in the shower at three in the morning like she was doing the past few days before they came to Amsterdam. Pleasing herself to the thought of the young woman's sweet moans and face of pleasure that drove Angelica crazy.

"You okay?" Angelica asked. Nichole nodded and Angelica leaned down, kissing her forehead before opening the restaurant door, allowing the young woman to walk in first.

They were seated by the hostess and Nichole looked around the fancy restaurant in awe, before looking at Angelica who searched through the wine menu.

"Are you a wine person?" Angelica asked.

"Yes, red."

"Lovely." Angelica responded back, before calling the waitress over. She ordered two bottles of the merlot, Nichole watching the interaction carefully, before looking down at her menu.

"Do you know what you're going to get?" Angelica asked.

"The salmon and lobster. You?"

"The steak with shrimp."

Nichole nodded, both their eyes melting into each other's. Nichole blushed and looked away, sipping her wine. She felt it rush to her head and she let out a breath, convincing herself to behave even though she wouldn't have minded being spanked by the woman again.

The two women ordered their entrees and started brief conversation, going over the things they knew about each other so far. Talking with each other for the last three months gave them a head start on getting to know each other, but Angelica wanted deeper.

"Any siblings?" Angelica asked as she cut into her steak.

"Probably. I don't know." Nichole shrugged as she ate her food. Angelica nodded, staring at the woman as she sipped her wine.

"I'm an only child too." Angelica breathed. Nichole looked up, watching as the woman shrugged nonchalantly.

"My mother and father weren't close. It was an arranged marriage back in Venezuela. When they had me we came to America and they divorced. She walked out on us when I was two and never came back. It's just my father and I." Angelica breathed. Nichole swallowed hard as her fathers face flashed in her head, before nodding.

"My dad died when I was young, so it was just my mom and I. She got into drugs and I raised myself for some time until Katrina hit, I moved in with my aunt and we moved back to Louisiana but I was put into foster care. So it's just me as far as I know. I haven't checked in on my family in almost a year." Nichole admitted. Angelica grabbed the young woman's hand and caressed it, before kissing the back of it.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Angelica breathed as she rubbed the young woman's hand. Nichole shrugged, swallowing the lump in her throat and downing the rest of her wine. By the time they finished dinner, both women were tipsy and flushed with wine. Their conversation turned flirtatious, asking each other about their history and the things they were each into.

"That's hilarious." Nichole giggled as she wiped a stray tear from her face, downing the rest of the wine from her cup. Angelica just smirked as she sat back in her chair, watching the young woman as she played with the rim of her glass.

"You're beautiful." Angelica breathed suddenly, causing Nichole to blush even more.

"Why thank you."

"Let's take a walk." Angelica stated as she stood, throwing a wad of cash on the table and grabbing Nichole's hand, walking out of the restaurant. They took a walk over to the bridge that was lit with sparkling lights that illuminated the two women under the dark star filled sky. They looked over the bridge railing as the water sparkled under the night sky, Angelica wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Want to go for a ride on the boat?" Angelica asked as her hand slid from Nichole's waist to her hand, lacing their fingers together.

"We can."

The boat ride was silent except for the song singing coming from the man that drove the boat. He peddled and peddled as he hummed his tune, the lovers sitting behind him and taking in the view. Nichole looked around in awe at the bright lights and scenery, taking it all in while Angelica stared at her. Nichole didn't realize Angelica was staring as she continued to look around.

"This is so beautiful, Angelica." Nichole cooed as she grabbed the woman's hand before looking up at her with a large grin. Angelica smiled as she lifted her hand and caressed Nichole's cheek.

"You're beautiful." Angelica breathed. Nichole blushed, biting her lip as their faces moved closer, their lips touching. They kissed, it starting off slow but deepening as Angelica's tongue took over, slipping into Nichole's mouth. She moaned as she lazily wrapped her arms around Angelica's neck, being intoxicated by everything that involved the dark haired woman.

"I think I love you." Nichole stated suddenly, before looking up at Angelica with wide eyes, who just stared down at her with a look of adoration.

"I think I love you too."

Blue Eyes  & Black Coffee. (WomanxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now